(RANT) I am sick and tired of this!!

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I am TheCrazyPonyLady on Youtube
Oct 3, 2008
Ok, first off I want to say Im sorry if anyone gets offended by my rant...

I am sick and tired of people posting that they have ponies for sale here on the TP, and when you go and PM them, they say they dont have them anymore, or someone has them on hold. This happens to me ALL the time! I am sick of it. Its not fair. Sometimes I Pm the seller no more than 15mins after they put up the thread and they say someone already has it... ugh!!! or they still have the picture up and then they tell me, 'oh I sold it, but forgot to take the picture down'. or dont even put up they are on "hold".... I am tired of these games. I'm sorry everyone. but no more. I am not buying no more on the TP. I seriously have back luck. With how things are falling apart at home, and then I come on here to hopefully complete a collection.... but no. I am turned down. GRRRR.....

Just forget collecting. ill sell my whole collection then.

EDIT: fine i wont sell my collection. Its just for the past week every seller I ask... every seller....

EDIT: Sorry. just delete this because some people are bein kinda mean and I wasnt pointing fingers at anyone. and some feel like I am, or I am being dramatic which i am not. I was only getting something off my chest which we all tend to do at times. I guess no one understood that.
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I have had that happen too..altough i sometimes forget to edit my trade/sales threads*oops*
Also,what may happen is that somebody checks out the price on eBay,realiszes they are worth more,then lie that it's 'sold'.That happened to my mom on another site.
I hate it when I put things on hold and then the person doesn't get back to you even after you PM them, but it happens and I just shrug it off and move along, there is nothing you can really do about it. Sometimes members just get busy or distracted. I myself find that real life takes over, I am a mom and sometimes things come up and in the back of your mind you think, "I really need to get back to that person", but unfortunately these are just ponies. Real life is going to jump in the way, you just have to go with the flow.

I know it can be frustrating but not everyone is like that. Hang in there. :)
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that's how it is sadly. i've lost so much her and on ebay, but you get along and get over it. there's not much to do about it.
yeah, there has been so many ponies on here that i have wanted really bad, but they were already gone. but there has also been so many ponies that i have gotten here at a good price from awesome sellers.

Problem is it happens. I brought a bunch of ponies... one could nt be found. It's annoying yes but it happens. Its the luck of the draw. Most peoples thread i ve come across do say they are holding etc. Some posts are really old and people dont take this into consideration. But i do understand where your coming from. I must say i ve found my buying experience here a pleasureable one. Better than ebay since... usa commons like skyflier seems to get hiked up over here.
~hugs~ i hope things get better for you at home xx
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that sound so annoying, your rant is fine by me. i woul do the same thing, rant-rant-rant!
*hugs* hope you find the ponys you are looking for
I try to edit my posts to say HOLD when something is on hold. Sometimes, though, I've opened my inbox to find multiple requests from different people for the same item, and had to tell some of the people that the item was on hold. Nobody can really help it when that happens.

For the most part though, I think sellers should do their best to keep their sales posts current.
Yeah...it's annoying, it's frustrating, and sometimes even upsetting...but isn't that life? :3 All we can do is get up again and keep going, I'm sure you'll find a great deal somewhere and won't feel as disenchanted ^^
It happens, I just look at it as being that it wasn't the right pony for my herd. We're all friends here, so i just think of it as 'well at least one of my friends got the pony THEY wanted.'

Although i do agree that sellers should update sale threads according to current status

So chin up, don't think of getting rid of the collection you do have, over being worked up about ponies you don't have.

*hugs* :911:
Aww *hugs* I think that you should keep collecting, im pretty sure you have a big collection already! Ive had the same experience :[ I bet that one day you'll find the ponies your looking for and you'll find them for a great price!! :)
I'm with you, I usually respond to selling ads too late. Maybe one day you'll find one before anyone else! :]
We've all been there *HUGS* don't get frustrated. I check the sales forum frequently for new posts but half the time I'm a little too late. Some sellers don't respond to pms at all. Even though it can get frustrating, I love doing most of my 'shopping' on here. It's easy and more personable than ebay.
don't give up. how is this any different than getting outbid the last few seconds on eBay? stuff happens and you gotta go with the flow. i know i've had a few times i'd ask to buy a pony someone had and either it was gone OR it had no price and the price they gave me was waaaay more than i wanted to pay. heck, that's how i started on here XD;; i googled for DG babies, found a thread here, contacted the seller and it was gone. but that didn't stop me? this place is great; no price gauging, or lying about quality. plus if people know you're looking for someone specific they can help you find it. so don't give in to emo urges and commit pony collector suicide. you'll be sad laters for it
:reaper: Kat :reaper:
I guess I am not surprised to see this from you.

Not every seller has the opportunity to update their sales posts the minute something goes on hold or is sold. Especially when the items are listed on a few different sites. I try to keep my site as updated as possible, but sometimes it takes me a little bit to update.

I can understand the frustration of having a pony sell or go on hold before you have a chance to see it and inquire, as it happens to me all the time. It's not like you won't find the one you are after again.

How you handle the fact that a pony sold before you could get to it is up to you, but it's better to make friends with a seller than to burn the bridge. (I think you have a pretty good idea as to what I am talking about - seeing that I did not have the opportunity to update my site on the G3 babies when they sold yesterday, and your response to finding out they were sold....well it left alot to be desired!!! It will make me think twice about working with you, that is certain.)

If the item you want comes available again, you would want the seller to at least keep you in mind instead of blacklisting you as a buyer (meaning they wont sell to you because of atttude, reputation, or whatever).

Don't get so frustrated over these kind of situations, it's not like you will never find the pony you are after for sale again.
I hear you,
it sucks


but is it really the sellers fault?

I lose awesome ponies ALL the time....but my whole collection was built (and I am proud to say my collection is BIG) on PATIENCE

although I was sad many times I lost out on ponies.....I am also happy I did! Because sometimes I found them CHEAPER than what I was going to pay for them initially....

or how I am *always* out thrifting.....I usually waste my time and I hardly find a thing...

but when I do find stuff, months of scouring was worth it!
So far, things like two dream beauties, and EDGAR, etc etc

Just remember

Patience IS a virtue!


Its okay hun things happen. I know as a seller when your get an inbox full of pms it gets stressful. I usually go by the time it was sent to me and then go down from there. I usually tell people they have x amount of days to pay and then I am going to the next person in line. I also tell people that its on hold but when it comes available I will contact them. Just understand that it happens; I dont know how many times Ive contacted people on the arena from there sales gallery and the pony is on hold or sold and I just wait for the next one to show up. Alot of times if a seller comes across one they will contact you. I've had a few people do that on here and send me pms letting me know they found one on ebay, another seller here etc. Chin up it will get better
Ok, Well not to be rude or anything but don't you think you're being just a tad bit dramatic?

If Mlp is so important why threaten to sell away all your beloved treasures just because somebody wasn't licketysplit fast with updating a list?

I think oneleo1 is right about the bridge burning thing. I've had a few people keep me in mind over things.
First come first serve really and I don't think its worth Xing off people or your collection just because you shot somebody a quick two second email with "is whateverpony still available?" and they weren't or because you didn't get the deal before somebody else did. Is that really any skin off your nose?

You should be great full when somebody decides to sell you a pony and if they don't or they sold it to somebody else, thats their prerogative really. Its their pony.

Not only that but real life comes before online life. It just does. You can't expect every single thread to be updated the second a sale happens. Are you looking at old threads? It might be a good idea to check posting dates on sale forums before you reply.

Maybee it peeves you a little more cuz you are VERY up-to-date on your lists. I saw your wanting to buy thread and you've even listed when you're bidding on a pony but all people are different and not everyone can be as thorough. There are people who work busy jobs and mothers and all sorts of busy folks on this board.

Sorry to come off as abrasive about this but I certainly didn't expect your rant to be about members who might just happen to get behind. There are a lot of really fantastic sellers on this board and I don't think they deserve the rant for something so minor :/

Thats just my two bits. Rant within a rant. -Exits
It's never fun to miss out on something. The folks here sure are fast too! I've missed out on ponies on threads that were 5-10 minutes old. Sometimes find out later that a friend ended up with the pony I had wanted. :) I've also been in the seller's shoes. A few times I sold batches of MLP's I'd have dozens of pm's to attend to in the first half hour. Of course, many of those wanted the same items. Selling, it's not fun to have to PM potential buyers back and let them know what they wanted is already sold.

Patients is wonderful. It took me years to assemble some of my sets. But the ponies you're after eventually surface again. And when you do finally complete a set- It's such a wonderful feeling.
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