Would You Rather Game?

I would definetly come visit! ;) and shovel horse poo :p.

Would you rather read fantasy or history related novel?
that is so hard! I love history and also fantasy is awesome eny miny mo counts right? *murmors* fantasy it is.

Would you rather be rich and rule the world or be rich in happiness and have an amazing family?
Rich in happiness. Ruling the world would be too stressful. o_O

Would you rather get a very expensive gift or a handmade gift?
Handmade! They're always so unique and fun.

Would you rather donate money to charity or volunteer?

Would you rather be Immortal and never getting sick animals wont hurt ya ,peace, and being perfect or do whatever u want
I think I'd rather do whatever I want. Being immortal would be very lonely, and you'd watch everyone around you age and die. I couldn't do it.

Would you rather ride a horse or drive a race car?
Cheeseburger. If I'm gonna clog my arteries, I'm going all the way!

Would you rather learn a foreign language or something mechanical like repairing small engines?
Juggle! I am so clumsy though...

Would you rather eat something new and exotic or your favourite comfort food?
New and exotic. I love sampling new foods...so long as they are made authentically!

Would you rather read a book or take a hike?
Read a book. I'm not much of an outside person,anymore.

would you rather have wings or move things with your mind?
Move things with my mind.

Would you rather pick up garbage or being guard in prison (as a job)?
Pick up garbage. You dont know if you fnd a pony or something else! ;)

McDonald's pony or Tiny Tin pony?
Tiny tin! I have a whole box of McDonalds ponies and that's after selling a few dozen of them.

Would you rather take a trip into space or take a trip deep into the ocean?
Charlie Brown tree

being able to fly with wings or see the future and be able to act on it to change it.