Does anyone else watch doll customising videos?


Rusty pony revitaliser
MLPTP Supporter
Sep 9, 2022
I wish there were more pony customising and restoring videos out there, but I often get my fix watching doll customisers. I like getting ideas and they usually have tons, I used to skip past the dressmaking bit... but now I have been experimenting with ponywear!

I think I like Hextian and Enchanterium the best. Anyone else?

Dolls never really interested me growing up but I’ve probably seen and find doll customising a bit more interesting now since customising/restoring ponies

I don’t really follow YouTube accounts either but I do have some I do like too.
Yes, Hextian does great work I must agree!
Pidgin Doll comes up suggested for me too and those look great
I love them. Also, the postable art doll. Makes me wish we have Ponies with resin glass eyes, with a whole galaxy in it. But I am more into Cottage core fashion than full on Lolita lace most dolls wear. I wish I can make my ponies little skirts.
Watching Dollightful inspired me to start customizing! I knew about doll and pony customs, but watching someone's process and results made me realize, hey, I could try this out!
I do!! My favorite is Poppen Atelier! My best friend customizes dolls tho so i guess my true favorite customizer is her bc shes like a sister to me. I gatta <3 but she doesnt have a youtube.
I kinda got burnt out on Dollightful about 2 years ago. Personally, every video seemed to need to be bigger and more complex than the last and the dolls suffered for it. Like, trying to please everyone and no longer making things she personally enjoyed. Which I can see happening when youtube becomes your job. :/

I watched a few Hexitan's videos a few years ago, mostly the MLP ones, which I did enjoy. I don't always dig the drag style make-up tho.

I've really been enjoying Etellan, MariaLazar, and Enchanterium lately. I used to occasionally watch Moonlight Jewel, TheDollFairy, Mozekyto, AkameruKawaii, MyFroggyStuff, DollMill, Poppen Atelier, and Nicolle's Dreams.
Hextian is the only one who pops up sometimes on my facebook lol - but i dont watch anybody religiously
All the time! :lolpony:
Dollightfull, Enchantarium, Moonlight Jewel, The Doll Fairy, DollyPop and Josephine’s Creatures are my favorites to watch
You know I would love to watch more general toy restoration videos. I haven't looked in awhile but most of them seemed to be either one offs for that channel or more focused on like, action figures and such. Which are fine but not my cup of tea. I've come across a few Rushton/rubber faces toy restorations and they're just so charming.

On the flip side I'd really love to see more art doll channels. Like where they make the doll from scratch. I do enjoy the trend of artists 3D printing their own dolls but I really really want to see more fiber art dolls. Or just wild mixed media dolls lol.
Yeah! I would love to see more general toys!
I got back into this whole thing of collecting ponies after watching Odd Tinkering on Youtube cos he fixes old games consoles. Lots of retro brighting, and rubber duckies :D
I tend to watch more restoration videos than customising videos, but if youtube happens to recommend one to me I usually give it a watch

RetroGeek Crafts doesn't post often, but she does some really nice pony customs sometimes!
RetroGeek is great! I do wish her posts weren't so sporadic, but as a fellow hobbyist I understand that the day job comes first :blush:
You know I would love to watch more general toy restoration videos. I haven't looked in awhile but most of them seemed to be either one offs for that channel or more focused on like, action figures and such. Which are fine but not my cup of tea. I've come across a few Rushton/rubber faces toy restorations and they're just so charming.

On the flip side I'd really love to see more art doll channels. Like where they make the doll from scratch. I do enjoy the trend of artists 3D printing their own dolls but I really really want to see more fiber art dolls. Or just wild mixed media dolls lol.
Have you watched KaypeaCreations? They make some really cool art dolls. Bubbly Leaf is good too
Getting some nice recommends, thanks guys :D