art contest! (last edit) prizes posted (1st post)


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 9, 2005

I had a total of 8 entry designs from 6 people. Voting was based on design not artistic merit so line art was accepted.

The winner of the magick and mythology art contest is Baby Quest by Storm Singer of Quinault Stables!!! She wins a custom of the baby and a drawing of the custom baby and her personna.

Second place: The design with the most votes is Hippocampus by WolfenMoondaughter from Deviant Art so she wins a drawing of Hyppo with her personn

I would like to note that everyone that entered (rochi901, shootingstargaze, lev_21n01, Storm Singer, WolfenMoondaughter, The Monokeros/EnsorcelledFerret) got at least one vote :D Thank you all for entering! This was fun!
Ooo, I would've loved to have participated in this, but I'm afraid I'm too bogged down with art trades. >.< Shame.
Heya, Id love to enter, but theres a few things I dont understand.

The art has to involve your persona and a pony of my design following the theme, right? Do we have to do both your personas, or just choose one? And can the art be handrawn and coloured, or does it have to be computer orientated?

Do let me know!

Edited just to say, Ive read it through again and I get it now. Only just woke up :wink:
sounds like fun! if i can get my drawing togeather i'll give it a whirl!
Okay, for those of us who like to use the original body colours as much as possible in our designs, what colours of the babies do you have? Or are they in production again and readily available? And if they're in production again, what would I have to give someone to get me some as we have no DGs out here, I'm currently making starvation wages (and barely that), and I don't plan on ever doing the first born child thing?

~Storm Singer
Hi there,

Sounds like fun... but I live in Canada. Right near the border. Am I still considered "international" (non-free shipping)? =P

Hehe... sorry for the utterly-most-stupidest-question-in-ponyland. :oops:

-- Yuixe
Storm Singer, I pretty much have every color - I picked up 17 things of them yesterday (that's 34 ponies!) plus ones I already had....if you would like to buy a couple from me I'm sure we could arrange it

Yuixi - hmm...mailing to canada is generally more than within the US but less than overseas...I think I might ship to canada for free
sounds like fun. I always like to do art contests! Must brainstorm for ideas.
Oh man, you only got 8 entries? I KNEW I should've done it anyway, but I never win anything so I didn't bother finishing mine. :( I figured tons of people would enter and I wouldn't stand a chance. >.< All well, I LOVE the hippocampus one! I'm confused as to how we vote, though. Do we vote here or in the album? Because it says under one of the pics not to vote there. ;)

Anyway, so if we vote here, I vote for the Hippocampus! ^-^
Teddy said:
Oh man, you only got 8 entries? I KNEW I should've done it anyway, but I never win anything so I didn't bother finishing mine. :( I figured tons of people would enter and I wouldn't stand a chance. >.< All well, I LOVE the hippocampus one! I'm confused as to how we vote, though. Do we vote here or in the album? Because it says under one of the pics not to vote there. ;)

Anyway, so if we vote here, I vote for the Hippocampus! ^-^

yes, vote in the Album! please vote! the one that says not to vote is just b/c the ponies in that image must be voted on separately

yeah, you should have entered...I was hoping for more, but oh well.
Congrats to Storm Singer, your baby was uber cute!! And congrats to Wolfenmoondaughter to. Your Hippocampus was a great idea! I enjoyed drawing a piccy for your contest and I wanna thank whoever voted for mine, I didn't think I'd get any.