Can someone draw/create my persona for me?



Thanks to two helpful people, I finally got my persona. But I was hoping someone who does the beautiful creations I see on this board could create her for me.

Her name is MoonHowler (Moon for short). She is an earth pony. Her body is yellow/orange and her hair is blue with thin whisps of silver in it. Her symbol is a cresent moon with a wolf sleeping in the curve. She also has a small blaze of blue on her nose. And her eyes are green.

Would someone be so kind as to create her for me? I will give full credit in my signature and be forever grateful!
Do you mean a custom, or a drawing? :scratch:
drawing...I would never expect someone to do a IRL custom, those take too much work.
I can try! I'll post it here when I'm done. ;)
Alright! I'm done! Phew! Okay, drumroll please...












Sooo... did I do okay? Did I get the colours correct? I really hope you like her. :) Personally I'm pretty proud of her considering I drew her on MS Paint. ;)

Let me know what you think!
I love her! Thank you so much Yuixe! *rushes off to put her in photobucket*
Oh, do you want this for your avatar? If not that's fine, just thought I'd give you a little extra to choose from. :)
