Cleaning Flocking


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 7, 2005
So I just got my 1st so soft pony (yay for Moondancer1073!!) and she does need a little clean... any tips on cleaning flocking without removing it?!?!?
I use either dish soap or sometimes whitening toothpaste to brighten the white ponies. I don't use a brush, I just work in in with my fingers so I don't rub off any flocking.
By dish soap do you mean washing up liquid, like you wash your cutlery and pots and pans with?
You can also use Oxiclean, which is available over here. Just mix a solution and gently scrub using an old toothbrush.

Whatever method you use, dont make the water hot, otherwise the flocking falls off.
Ah I have oxyclean! Do you mix it to a paste or just in water?
When I last tried, I mixed it to a water type solution, applied it with a toothbrush and rinsed it off with clean, cold water. It certainly made them cleaner.

I havent tried a paste, so I cant tell you about that.
i use oxyclean and its a true charmer! best thing ive tryed. ive washed alot of SS ponies and never had issues with water damage or flocking loss, you can use a old tooth brush, just be very gental and dont scrub, dip her in the oxyclean, let her sit for a min' and gently go over the the stain with the brush for best results. hope that helps! good luck and congrats on the new SS ^_^

~ Diana