Custom Jewellery Babies


Jan 29, 2016
I just wanted to share a couple custom ponies I’ve been working on lately:

Baby Amethyst & Baby Topaz

Both have custom accessories (still making their necklaces), and since I designed the Repro items it’s pretty quick to modify them for these babies.

I have at least one more planned for now :) Too bad more baby ponies did not come in baby sapphire pose ;)

EB2C3098-2551-4AA1-8420-6C770D4123DA.jpeg 552F5C4A-0F04-468C-BAD7-1C0AF5CA5335.jpeg

**MOD EDIT to complete picture download, see here :)
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Oh my gosh!! I love them so much!!
Perfection :star:
You did a beaaaauuuutiful job on them!! Purple and yellow, my weaknesses!! Did you have to color their bodies? They look very authentic.
Oh, wow! They are fantastic :hearteyes: you did a wonderful job on them!!
You did a beaaaauuuutiful job on them!! Purple and yellow, my weaknesses!! Did you have to color their bodies? They look very authentic.
Thank you everyone so much :)

I didn’t! They’re made from bait babies and then the images have increased saturation a bit to really make the colors pop!
I’m not very good at full body repaints (or dying) so it took awhile to find baits for these :D
OMG theyre gorgeous!!! :O breathtaking!!!! <3 What yellow baby did you use for this?
these are so cute ♥ so bright and friendly