Grateful Dead Glory


Current Glory Army: 103; Minty Army: 63
Oct 8, 2008

MLP: Grateful Dead Glory by *KPenDragon on deviantART
So, I went yard saling with my dad and sister a weekend or two ago and at one yard sale I found a Grateful Dead beanie bear. We used to collect these when they were popular, and it was a nice enough pattern that I’d never seen before, so I was gonna get it. But then I really looked at t and realized that it was purple, with white and blue shooting stars on it…so my sister comes over and asks me about it and I tell her that and her response was “ok I’m leaving nowâ€â€¦then when I got home I showed my mom; she didn’t connect it until I explained it but then she was like “oh no it’s another Glory†:lol:

Yus! It was a not-Glory Glory, and I didn’t even purposely go looking for it! It found me! Talk about fate, ya know? So I decided I wanted to make a custom based on it too. I’ve had this purple bait for a bit; I was saving it for a special project since I have so few ponys in this pose. And what could be more special than a Glory for my army? Plus her eyes were already the perfect blend.

So I have her a random TAF design of white moons and shooting stars, with several blue stars thrown in there. Then I rehaired her with DH Black Magic, Mermaid, Ultra Violet, and Snowflake.

I love how she turned out, and she’s my first purple bodied Glory-cool!

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
Wow she looks great !!
What a good idea :)
I love the dead !
she looks wonderful, LLB! you're always doing an awesome job with the lovely ponies!
Wow. So elegant and divine. This girl screams beauty. So gorgeous..