Happy New Year, Let's talk goals


Pied Piper of Ponies
MLPTP Supporter
Jan 20, 2018
I never fancied the term resolutions. It's not specific enough. For a solid type A personality, I prefer a more detailed plan. I like to take this time of year to write specific goals for the year, including smaller steps or actions and how I will know I have achieved my goal. It would be fun if you'd all play along. It'll keep us honest.
Try to use SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound) principles and break the goals down into manageable pieces.

I'll do an example of one I'm working on:
I will lose 25 pounds.

Sub goal - Fitness - I will get back to playing badminton again. I will start weight training again at least 1-2 times per week. I will continue with yoga at my studio. I will continue running and training for my ultra marathon in April. I will continue with hiking and snowshoeing weekly. I will start going out swing dancing again.

Sub goal - Nutrition – I will stop eating when I’m full. I will start recording my caloric intake again. I will significantly reduce the amount of bread and pasta I have been consuming and I will avoid sugar. I will eat more protein. I will be mindful of portion size. I will be careful when shopping and cooking, so that I don’t feel that I must consume huge amounts of food to prevent it from being thrown out. I will plan meals and snacks ahead of time as much as possible and I will keep healthy, low calories snacks available.

Success – I will know I have succeeded when I have reached my weight loss goals, when I feel stronger and more in control of how I treat my body. At one month, I will be down to at least 169 lbs.
I spent 2018 panicking and stressing over the future, inevitable changes upcoming involving rent going up and a family member passing away and job loss

....thought we'd at least get to hurdle through the first month of 2019 without any of this.... ALL 3 HAPPENED BEFORE DECEMBER 30TH.

....so I've already panicked so I'm like that dog in the meme where it's surrounded by fire but it's sitting there like "yep, this is fine!"

So, new jobs are needed on the way, I've already gone through our place and organized everything so that we got rid of lots of extra stuff and things are ready to shove into boxes if we have to move.

Miiiiight be able to end up inheriting the deceased family member's house.

It's hard. Lots of stressful changes have to happen and none of us really want to do them. But we're gonna work with it all.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and work for the rest saying

I'm gonna do what my mom did, and work a 9-5 job while having a small business in the side
Gonna use my job money to invest in my customs like throwing money at social media to promote my work and *gasp* START AN ETSY.

And at some point, maybe get a 3-D printer and print my own pony bases.... I still want to use doll hair and textiles on them though

My car's transmission is almost dead too .w. Probably
My only resolutions are to pay off debt and spend time with my daughter before she's too old to want to.

A sub goal would be successful healing and losing 30 lbs.
Ummmmm my main goal is to make it to January 1, 2020... o___o

I’m serious here
Mine's May, breeze is January !
I just have to get my depression under control, and I'm working hard on that. I think I'm on a good med combo finally. I'll just have to focus on getting more stable. Then... knee surgery. I don't wanna, but I'm virtually crippled at this point. I've put so much stress on the right knee trying to make up for the damage to the left knee that the right is now worse as well.

If I was a horse, they'd take me out to the back pasture and shoot me. :D
I just have to get my depression under control, and I'm working hard on that. I think I'm on a good med combo finally. I'll just have to focus on getting more stable. Then... knee surgery. I don't wanna, but I'm virtually crippled at this point. I've put so much stress on the right knee trying to make up for the damage to the left knee that the right is now worse as well.

If I was a horse, they'd take me out to the back pasture and shoot me. :D

We're not going to let them shoot foofoo!

I gots the surgery last year, so we get you fixed this year.
I just have to get my depression under control, and I'm working hard on that. I think I'm on a good med combo finally. I'll just have to focus on getting more stable. Then... knee surgery. I don't wanna, but I'm virtually crippled at this point. I've put so much stress on the right knee trying to make up for the damage to the left knee that the right is now worse as well.

If I was a horse, they'd take me out to the back pasture and shoot me. :D

Well, thankfully you are not an equine so now we keep you and preserve you like a fine jam.
I just have to get my depression under control, and I'm working hard on that. I think I'm on a good med combo finally. I'll just have to focus on getting more stable. Then... knee surgery. I don't wanna, but I'm virtually crippled at this point. I've put so much stress on the right knee trying to make up for the damage to the left knee that the right is now worse as well.

If I was a horse, they'd take me out to the back pasture and shoot me. :D

Nah Foo, I'm convinced nobody here would shoot any horse.

Darn, we are a bunch of lame ponies. I finally saw a doctor today about my left shoulder injury that happened six weeks ago with search and rescue. I may have torn rotator cuff. I have an ultrasound next week. Unfortunately, I waited so long to report the injury, I may be covered under Worksafe. I should know better. I worked there for 7 years. Ugh, I hope it's not serious, but it's already been six weeks, which is a long time to heal.
Get depression under control.
Fined a way to make a little money.
Go see my friend.
Try to improve my style. My anatomy is wretched, my characters are starting to look dead inside and they are suffer from same face syndrome. I also need to get a rough idea on what career I want to go into. People are always pressuring me to figure out what I'm going to do but they always shut my ideas down or they put me down for it. Not gonna get anything done if I'm constantly being told not to pursue something because I'm not good enough.