Hot or Cold weather?

Night Fury

Mar 7, 2014
Hello everypony!
My husband and I were having a conversation the other night, about the fact that I am always feeling cold. No really, it's bad! I wear a jearsy even in summer, and basicly have to sit in the sun to get warm, like a lizard Lol! He on the other hand is always warm. So I decided that it could maybe have something to do with that I was born in the summer, so my body prefers warm weather? And he was a winter baby, so in turn prefer cooler weather?
Help me out here with my theory please?
Are you a winter or summer baby?
And do you get cold easily or warm?
Let's have some fun with this, and have a great pony day! :D
When I was younger (and much thinner) I was always cold no matter what. I wanted to live in the tropics. Now I am much fluffier and I tend to get hot more easily, so I often dream of Alaska. My fiance likes the broiling heat and wants to move to the tropics. I told him I'm okay with that, but I'm buying the biggest fattest air conditioner we can find.
I was born in June and I am always cold. I love me that hot sun. Don't get me wrong, Autumn is great, but it gets too chilly. My husband is always way to hot as well. It might be a biological instinct thing. I read somewhere that a woman's heat goes to her core and lady parts to keep growing babies healthy, and a man's heat goes to his hands and feet for hunting and defending his family. Could be an outdated evolutionary trait?
I am a person that like 5 feet of snow and a fire and coco. I hate summer a lot. I do like autumn the best but give me winter any day. I also live in the South and we get next to no snow here.
I was born in November and get too warm easily and hate sweating but don't like to be cold, just chilled.

I like weather temperature between 65 and 75 degrees no more, no less

It was 67 the other week and I busted out the tank tops.
I was born in May and I like the summer best! The warmer the better! I just looove to laying in the sun and go swimming and how wonderful summer clothers are, how beautiful the nature is in summer, and how energetic I feel when there is more light etc. It is summer baby!
Gimme hot weather PLEASE!!!! (even though I get annoyed with it and sweat my butt off) I'm always cold, which is annoying :( grocery stores are evil because they're constantly cold (yes I know its for the food) people think its because I have bad blood, but last time I had my blood drawn, the doc didn't state anything wrong with my blood :L so idk...

My mom doesn't understand how can I hate the cold when I'm a January baby. The cold is also seriously depressing for me, I can't stand gloomy weather >_<

And @tulagirl , meeeee!!! I hate leaves ^^" they carry bugs and ugh... leaves in the fall just laying about makes my skin crawl :s I guess I just don't like dead leaves o_O
I prefer hot weather! I have Reynaud's Syndrome and my hands and feet do not retain heat easily--in winter, my hands get incredibly cold and turn blue! Heat is where it's at. And if it's too hot, I just eat popsicles. :winkpony:
I prefer hot weather! I have Reynaud's Syndrome and my hands and feet do not retain heat easily--in winter, my hands get incredibly cold and turn blue! Heat is where it's at. And if it's too hot, I just eat popsicles. :winkpony:

My friend has that. She lives in Washington State and the doctor suggested she move to Florida.
Thank you everyone for the replies! :D You would probably not believe that I am as cold blooded as I am, as I live in sunny South Africa Lol! Our coldest weather is like most of your mildest Autumn weather where I live and I have never seen snow, just on the mountains in the distance;) I would probably not survive snow Lol! I do like leaves though and I adore bugs! I'm always taking photos of bugs and mushrooms:) But we don't have that many trees that loose leaves here, as the weather is so mild. But I live in the bush, so plenty of bugs and stuff yay!
I'm a May baby as well, but I admit, I hate weather extremes of either type. Of course, i live in a State of extremes, so I choose my home poorly. Summers here have been known to reach 112° (44° celsius. I think). With the horrid Texas winds it can feel as cold as -10° (-23°). It's pretty darn hard to live with sometimes, especially working outside.

I think the heat is worse though, because let's face it, you can only take off so many clothes. In winter you can bundle up, keep moving and you're okay. In summer, there's just no escaping the heat outside.

I've had two heat strokes so I'm pretty susceptible to going down when I get overheated. I hate it. Slows me down.
Yes very true, I almost had a heat stroke trying to mow the lawn by myself at noon in July. I started feeling dizzy and was losing my balance, heart justa racin. I ran to the hose. I sat under it and turned it on. I just let that cold water hit my head and face and eventually I was soaking in water, I think I saved myself that day.
It just hits so fast you don't even realize you're in danger until it's just about too late. There's been several times that Action Hank has noticed that I was in trouble and gotten me inside and cooled down. I joke about him, but he's a great kiddo.
By the way, I love your new motto: "An Earth Pony's job is to save turtles, owls, opossums and wayward goats."

We are definitely Earth Ponies.
By the way, I love your new motto: "An Earth Pony's job is to save turtles, owls, opossums and wayward goats."

We are definitely Earth Ponies.

Yes ROFLOL I realized that the Earth pony was more me than anything else if you were matching it to me as a personality. Even though my favorite is Pegasus. Yep...Earth.

Oh and did your head pulsate like crazy? That was another symptom I had. Extreme pulsating inside my head. Yikester