How do I fix my new pony???

cloud weaver

Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 7, 2005
I just got a pony in the mail today, and I expected her to be a fixer-upper. Sadly though, she might be beyond help. She has a white body, that is offcolour, stained, rusty, and has discolouraction spots. What is the best way to clean her? She has perfect paint, so I don't want to do anything that would damage it. Also, her hair needs to be de-frizzed and recurled. Any suggestions?

PLMK if you can help!

Cloudie ;)
i've just found the best defrizzer ever made. wash pony hair. dry pony hair, while hair is still a tad wet, (if it's not dampen it wiht a towel) use a curling iron on low. (go up a setting if nothing is accomplished)

then you have no more frizz and wonderfuly curly hair :)

As for the rust, i would suggest any house hold bathroom cleaner (the kind that gets the rings oout from around the bath tub) Scrub the area that's rusted with it.

and let the pony tail soak in it over night that gets rid of the rust :)
i used regular dish detergent to get the rust out of a sparkly baby pony...used a q tip and it came off fairly easily...