How well loved ponies feel........


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 25, 2005
I wonder if the "well loved" ponies feel like Gusty, Hearth Trohb and Lickety Split in the glass princess episode.

Oh no lipstick!!!



No! No hair cutting


so-soft don't like hair dryeres


I look like a ponyz


LOL that is great! I just watched that last night for the first time. Too bad REAL pony hair doesnt grow back like theirs does :(

I'm so happy I didn't "love" my ponies that much when I was little =P
No haircutting, no painting, no bathing. And they all look lovely now and hopefully they are happy too ;)
LMAO tha'ts great, thanx fo posting. my fave scene from that is where the ponies look all angry and their hair grows back :) pony magic rocks :)
Thats exactly why half of my best friends ponies have murderous hair cuts, lipstick and nail polish on em.

oh that is so cute! lolz. thanks for posting that.
:) I don't think I ever put lipstick on my ponies, but several of them ended up with red nail polish on their feet! ... which by some miracle came off easily even after about 13 years.
OMG...I will never forget that part when their hair grows back!! :lol:
Me and my sister laughed so much about awesome, thanks for the memory! :)
The Glass Princess has always been one of my favorite episodes.
My fiance, his mom, and her fiance all work together. When I go to pick up Chad (my fiance) from work some nights, I take my portable DVD player and my Pony DVDs and watch while I wait.
One night, while his mom was on lay-off, we waited to pick up our fiances together, and she watched The Glass Princess with me. When the clip of Heartthrob getting blasted by the hair dryer came on, she laughed so hard. It was fun.
I actually have that movie in those clips ;)

My ponies are very well loved...even though they are still in their box waiting to be displayed... :roll: they understand how much they mean to me :)