Just how rare was Shenanigans?


...is actually a pegasus.
Jun 25, 2005
Something odd's been going on at my local grocery store; they have ponies from 2004. See, I had missed out on a few ponies, such as Cherry Blossom, Fluttershy, Toola Roola, Shenanigans... Some of the ponies I REALLY liked! So, I thought I was aalll outta luck.

Until a month ago. Just walking down the Cereal aisle to get...cereal, duh, and there she is...

CHERRY BLOSSOM! ^_^ So I snagged her. But, then, three days ago, there was Shenanigans, being... shenanigan-like, and sitting up on the cereal shelves. I heard Shenanigans was a bit hard to find, and I was just wondering... Is $6.99 really worth it? o.o I mean I'm in a bit of a pinch for money but, is she worth it? Last time I had A JOB, and money wasn't too much of an issue, but since I quit (supposively, they fired me! Seriously, they told everyone I was fired! Grr...) my job, now money's a little tighter, and I was just wondering if I should go ahead and shell out the $6.99 for the one ickle Shenanigans. And yes, she will remain MIB. Cherry Blossoms is right now too.
I bought Shenanigans at Fred Meyer earlier this year. A bunch of ponies I guess were restocked and put on shelves again and she was one of them. I liked her a lot so I bought her. I had no idea that she was one of the harder to find ones. I'll have to see if there are more still available. :D
Baby Boomba said:
I'm in NY, and I have seen very FEW Shenanigans at all! All the WalMarts around me never even got the 3 packs, so we never got those great deals either. Personally, I would pay $6.99 for her, as she's one of my favorites!

Yeah, nor did my walmart here in KY. x_x So not fair, ne? We NEVER get anything it seems... Oh well, New Walmart opens soon. :D

Well, thanks guys, hopefully I'll be able to go get her today while I'm getting RAMEN NOODLES! o_0 Yes I love ramen noodles, I'm preparing for cheap college days...and ramen noodles ish yummy.

i've seen cupcake, cherry blossom and shenanigans here but only in kbtoys. i've never seen them in tru or target.
My Meijers had a whole bunch of Shenanigans and the whole crew a few weeks back. They have TONS of 2004 ponies, and probably about 20-30 Berry Pickin Fun and Rain or Shine Garden Time sets......strange stuff.......
I've never seen her at walmart, nor cupcake, and she's so pretty! But since she's rereleased, I'm sure I'll pick her up somewhere.
I wonder if it's worthwhile to try and sell mine? I'd like to get the dressup one and don't collect reissues. Or is the market likely to be down/flooded ATM?
I'm not sure, because there is now a new release of Study Time Shenanigan, plus personally, I prefer the new pose than the original.

I never saw Shenanigans or Cherry Blossom, though I did find the other 2 at KB eventually. My Walmart(NY) never got the 3 packs in either. Luckily my cousin picked the pair up for me. Shen, who happens to be my absolute favorite G3, sits on my PC!

I drove 50 miles to a Value City that had them. I'm glad I did because all the Walmarts near me never got those 3 packs.
I think she's worth $6.99 unless you prefer the 2nd pose. I paid $7.59 each at Longs drugstore for Shenanigans & Cherry Blossoms for gifts/trades. I got my Cherry Blossom & Shenani at Target when they first came out, but never saw them there after that. Sweetsong & Cupcake turned up at my local grocery store last year so I got them there (they rang up as $4.99 even though the shelf tag was marked higher) & I also got them at KB.