My Little Pony Monopoly game...

Well it looks like I am going to have to go today to check it out if I can make it. I am really hoping my friend was right, and I am sure she is cause she was with our other friend and they both know how much I love MLP and they wouldn't lie about this, but I really hope they didn't get it mixed up with something else.
If I can find a phone number this morning for that place I am going to have to call as soon as they open.
I know there are other fellow Canadian's on here that have that store in their city as well.
Well wish me luck!!!
Also if I do go I won't be able to buy it just yet but I will do my best to tell you all about it! :D
oh gosh! I am so excited!
Like I need another Monopoly! I have the Star Wars one from a couple years ago, and I almost got the cat one from a garage sale. Oh, I have the Ebayinternet one, too! (Got that on super-clearance!) Pony-opoly would be fun, though. And yes, they do sometimes change the names like that to reflect the them of the game. I know I have seen them, but can't remember one off the top of my head!

I would think it was G3s, since those are the ones they are pushing now. Vintage is fine for some things, but for a current game, I'm going for their current items in stores, to boost sales. Vintage would be neat, though. So, what are the tokens? Horseshoe, rearing pony, wheel barrow (someone's gotta clean up!), rainbow, balloon, bale of hay, brush and crown? Interesting...

**It was Marshmellow Coco in the Ice Cream Shoppe with her hat!**
that's...fantastic. not surprising, really. there's a monopoly game for just about everything else. ;)

must find and purchase. stat.
Sweetness! If I can find it my husband will be trapped into hours and hours, maybe even days, of play! lol!
i bet the properties will be ponies...the pokemon monopoly was like that, the pokemon were the properties, you had to get all the! & the pieces you used to play the game were pokemon as well...kinda cool..i wonder if the mlp one will be like that! i may have to get that one!
i bet you can find it at walmart guys

i think it was shady in paradise estate with a golden horseshoe lol
I would so buy that one! I've only got Star Wars Monopoly, so it would be nice to have another one!

*You all know it was Minty in Ponyville Central Park with the Christmas candy cane!*
GRRRRRRRRRR I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sorry!!! I am going to have to kick my friend's in the butt next time I see them. I called the place tonight and they said that they don't have it, but she never checked on the computer. I just don't understand how they got that mixed up. I am still going to go down there sometime this weekend in hopes that it will be there or in the computer but I am not holding my breath on that one.
Once again I apologize, I should just have kept my mouth shut until I found out for myself.
im gonna write hasbro and request my little pony clue
I'm guessing it will be G3...

I've always wanted a G1 MLP-opoly though! I've even thought of all the spaces and stuff.

However I heart my Pokemon monopoly...saving up to buy the Wizard of Oz monopoloy too...dang ponies keep draining the funds though! (eyes nirvanas to potentially sell...)
On the Back of Debra Birges book The World of MLP, isn't that a monopoly board??? It has all the colors on it
It looks like it to me!!! But maybe it is home made? I have no idea, hopefully someone will :wink:
Oh that sounds great, I have the Pokemon version from when I was addicted to Pokemon but I'd love an MLP one, I hope it comes over to the UK!
Have we found out yet if this really exists yet? *is curious*