NBBE Baby Gusty small canteen/waterbottle? pricecheck


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 7, 2005

I just picked up this little one for $18. I have no idea if it was a good deal or not because I have never seen one. It's said to be from 1985 and her being NBBE makes me susspect its from the UK or europe atleast.

Do you know anything about this? please share!
Cool item! I agree with llunaln though, bbe's weren't drawn with bbe's. I think that particular pic is on the US box/backcard, isn't it? I don't know were it's from or what it's worth, but it sure is cute :)
*duh*, I didnt really mean that it would be a BBE on there if it was an non-uk item ;) I meant more that the concept of a baby Gusty means that it would probably be an uk or european item. But I know I'm wrong there, because there was a nbbe baby Gusty on the Pony Wear Flashprance)( I think, not shure if it was uk or Us packaging though! ;) ), ant of course on other itemas as you said Rosse.

But she is still cute and I dont mind it I overpriced :)