G1 Need Advice: Ponies Infused with Cigarette Smoke

Lady Saissis

Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 17, 2005

About a week ago I received this adorable gem of a pony (she's a set finisher for me). I was ecstatic to finally have this lady joining my herd! Then I removed her from the mail envelope and it hit me hard.... that unforgettable smell of cigarette smoke.

I contacted the seller (on etsy) and sent a message of my distaste for her not listing this pony reeked of cigarette smoke. She apologized and said she'd list if her ponies were from a "smoking home" in the future.

Now I'm at a dilemma of how to remove this smell permanently to display her in a closed case like my other mail orders. I've tried febreeze, airing her outside, baking soda in a sealed ziploc bag, and I've even washed her. Nothing seems to work. That pungent odor still plagues my darling baby. My husband's friend suggested wrapping her in dryer sheets for a few weeks in a sealed bag so I might even try that. If anyone here has any good suggestions I'm all ears... I really want to save this little girl and have her join the others :)

~Lady S
Hello @Lady Saissis Lovely to see you :)
Did you leave her outside for long?
I would get a large container , and a small container. Fill the small container with vinegar and place that in the large container. Surround the small container with loads of baking soda. Put the pony in the container and leave her there for a couple of weeks. Seal the lid on the container. Hopefully after a couple of weeks, the baking soda and vinegar would have absorbed the awful smoke smell.

Beautiful condition pony you have there too, I much prefer that China version with the lovely thick gloss.... :)
Thanks for the great advice. Do you mean the white vinegar or cider? I just want to be sure before she gets a scent worse then what she has lol
The white vinegar, just fill a very small bowl with that.......