Price Check - Firefly Mold Fake


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 13, 2005
I'm just curious. I found one. Nearly mint. You can see the 'dotted line' where the tail -should- have gone.. it instead has some dry wispy hair.

Pretty neat. Identical to Baby Firefly (made in China version as those versions were tinier.) She's pale pink with blue hair. Eyes are identical to MLP eyes save for an extra 'white dot/light glare' in her eyes.

But I'm curious. Jus' what do these guys run? I know some people collect them and have seen them go high - considering they're fakes c_c;

I'd love information as I'm looking to get rid of her/sell her.. Or if no one wants her, customizer her myself.

SSEdit: I have edited your title, if you wish to sell her please post on the "for sale board" - thanks - SS:)
WOW, I've never heard of such a fakie before! Could you post a piccie? I can host it if need be. I know I've seen every kind of fakie out there, this one, most certainly sounds intrigueing! :D
Soon as my camera gets some new batteries, I'll take some photos.

The only difference is (because the little thing IS a lighter shade of pink than regular firefly, and with blue hair) is the fact it's eyes (done up the same) has adouble white dot/light glare instead of the usual one.
Hi there,

Are you SURE it's fake? Could it be a foreign? I wouldn't customise it until I found out for sure... =/

-- Yuixe
I'm guessing it's the fakie batch that came with the hasbro mold baby friends (ie, hoppy, wooly etc).
Dead positive it's a fake. Soon as my camera works, I'll take some photos.

If it isn't a fake, then it's a prototype or somethin'. o_O; But dead same as Firefly.
Oh I have seen those. There is a baby CC body one too (which I have). They come on a card with paint to put a symbol on. I would say worth a couple bucks as CB.
AHHH! I thought it was an adult!!! Would have been cool if it was ! :D
I had one as a kid! LOL, my first "custom", heehee!
I feel like I got her at a dollar store or something. She had glitter you could "paint" on, although mine didn't look too great! The glitter ran and just made a mess.

So...they had other ones did they? Interesting...Maybe I'll start looking for a fakey baby set! :lol: