Question: Shipping When trading



When you trade, if for example, the parcel you're shipping is a lot larger and is going to cost a lot more to ship than the other person's end of the trade, what do you do? Do you take that into account? Or do you not, and just send the parcel off?
I generally...

I take it into account--I mean if it is only a couple dollars I don't mind--however if it is more than that than I would either add extra items to the trade or cash inside the package.......
If it's A LOT different, I ask the other person to chip in. I once traded 4 MIB G3s for a G1, and the other person sent me some cash toward the shipping since it was considerably different (it was overseas, too)

If it's going to be quite different, then yes, I factor that in. I once traded a baby pony for an MIB G3 (within my own country), so we worked on the principle that hers would be far more to ship and adjusted accordingly (keep in mind it cost me 28p to ship my end).
I agree with what everyone has said :)
It's only fair to figure that in. If possible, get both shipping costs, then you can either add trade stuff in to make up most of the difference, or just use that as a monetary amount to add.

Most people trading understand that, so it's usually no big deal. It's not fair for someone to basically pay for both shipping costs, just because what they are sending is larger, ya know? :D
i traded a bratz doll to the netherlands for 2 mib cost me like 12 dollars more than her. i did not say anything assuming hers cost about the same...she saw the box and refunding me the money which i thought was very gracious...i do try to take in consideration if it is going to cost me a lot more than the other trader to ship...but so far this was the only incident i had with a lot more shipping cost.....if nothing else is fair then maybe splitting the extra shipping cost?
Thanks everyone for the replies. It's kind of what I figured, I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be viewed as being rude for factoring that in. :)