The most important part of the move...


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Apr 17, 2019

We are 90% moved into our new place and the herd successfully made the move!

I'm debating deboxing most of my Gen 3 girls since they really take up a lot of space in their packaging. Still need to pick out my shelving and which walls to use as a display (thinking the wall in the picture). Still have to rummage through Ikea shelves and see if any work.

Figured I'd give an update with important news :)
Yay! Moving is such a pain but I see your priorities are in order :tongue: Set up pony room first, then unpack the rest LOL
How exciting! Moving is always a mjor pain, but getting to set up a new house is fun. I can't wait to see how your new pony room comes out!