About 400 Free Donuts?


Festive FelizNavidad Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jan 3, 2006
So there is donut place near me called Sugar Shack. They do a daily free donut special where they will post a random thing and if you come in with that thing you get a free donut. Guess what today's thing was...


How many donuts do you think I can get LOL

Sadly though, Gingerbread is on a diet and is doing well enough that she doesn't want to blow it with donuts so I passed on this opportunity...which is probably a good thing for Sugar Shack, lest I put them out of business with this offer ;)
That is awesome. And I love the comments saying "What if we bring an amiibo instead" and "If we sent a pic can we get a pic of a cool donut?" LOL
Sadly though, Gingerbread is on a diet and is doing well enough that she doesn't want to blow it with donuts so I passed on this opportunity...which is probably a good thing for Sugar Shack, lest I put them out of business with this offer ;)
I have that same labyrinth poster.
You could have ruled over them all! They should be grateful you are a graceful, kind being, Gingerbread.
If you have walked to the shop with all of your ponies after that I do not think they would offer anymore free donuts to anyone ever again... Or they would be out of business.. Good thing you are on diet so their business can go on ;)
ROFLOL That is so funny. I would probably send a twitter to everyone I knew to show up at the donut place. I would give about 150 people one G1 to walk in with and the line would make the cashier faint. baaaaaa