$ Price Check $ Abracadabra's value? (G3)


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Sep 27, 2023
Hi all! I was looking around the internet since I was interested in abracadabra, and I found a ebay auction for 102 dollars? She is MIB but I gotta know if she's actually worth that much? I'm not a stranger to high-value items that are toys but I needed to verify this. Thank you!
I dunno about MIB, but loose shouldn't you run you over $25 at most, last I checked.
Those people who sold it for that much are just plain greedy. And quite frankly so is whoever bought it for that much.
That’s suspicious. But I’ve noticed lately everyone wants that pony. I wonder if it’s because Halloween?
Im sure its because of that, snooping around here around halloween is how i even learned of her existance.
Those people who sold it for that much are just plain greedy. And quite frankly so is whoever bought it for that much.
I totally agree, stuff like that totally spooks me and makes me think that the G3 ponies could go the way of the doll market. The doll market to my knowledge still has crazy prices but has died down since the hype of the barbie movie has gone down. But still, it got BAD, selling un-rare, unvaluable dolls for crazy high prices, and newbies who just got into the market who arent as discerning are duped into thinking they are this valuable. I pray everyday theres no nostalgia resurgence for G3 so i can buy them in peace.
So yeah, both sides are the problem, but i think the problem is especially on the buyer. If you buy things at crazy prices youre going to drive the market up like crazy. Sellers be sellers but you can be smarter about what you buy. You dont have to buy what you want right away.