Action Hank's Crappy Art Thread


So Soft Pony, So hard to clean
Oct 17, 2014
Hello welcome to my thing where I shall be posting garbage art things I've made.

The following three things are all related and I'd like to see how people feel about them before I post more terrible crap stuff.



Also I would have posted it in the MLP art area but it wouldn't let me upload pictures and if you're wondering where the ponies are they'll be coming later, if you don't want to wait for them you can pretend they're hiding inside of the file cabinets or behind the counter with the coffee stuff on it.
I agree with everyone else. Give yourself more credit man! These are all awesome and have a lot more details than I ever have the patience for lately.
You’ve got an eye for details and that can be a difficult for some to translate into artwork. I love it.

Also, I too demand to bring the ponies out from hiding. Please stop repressing them and allow them to come out of hiding from in your cabinets.
These are rearranged cutouts, right?
Yes, they are all individual pieces, what gave it away?
Also are there any objects in the pictures people had trouble figuring out what they were?

All of the pieces in the pictures are the product of several weeks of work, originally they were going to be smaller but the original stapler I made was so small you couldn't really tell what it was, so I had to double the size.

Also the ponies might not show up for a bit because I haven't really done anything with them, so right now they're just a pony template I found on the internet that I cut up then printed out, it's articulated but it lacks colour, hair, and a butt mark. Also I only have one cut out out of the four I made.
Yes, they are all individual pieces, what gave it away?
I was looking at your pictures for a while because they are detailed yet the lines are so simple and neat. And the very, very slight colour change against the background. I like noticing details
I thought they were three different pictures at first then I looked closer and could see some certain same things moved, like the first aid kit.

The fact they’re cutouts makes me wonder how far they go because that cupboard door opens there. I really like them! :flutter2:
As of right now the cupboard is the only thing that has doors that open, also what do you mean when you say "wonder how far they go because that cupboard door opens"?
I wondered how many things can open, like how many of the filing cabinets can open and what would be inside, like those babushka dolls
I was going to post pictures of the pony in various poses but I've discovered that I might need to make it fancier in order to keep it from moving around to much, because as it stands right now that if I just barely touch it it messes up the whole pose. So it'll be a bit longer before I post any pictures of the pony.
The clocks will get two separate posable hands, when I get around to finding some thin clear plastic to make them on. (Probably gonna use the plastic bits from a bank envelop.)

But they have to wait for a bit while I try to figure out how to make the pony's legs work, because right now they're three pieces that move around a lot while moving other bits, so I'm trying to figure out if having the leg be one thing with articulation is better than three separate pieces.
Hello again, the project has stalled do to waiting for little tiny brads to arrive in the mail or for ma to find them or whatever's going on with that.
There is also a thought that I might change the project from a physical thing into a digital thing while maintaining the hand drawn background stuff, but for that to happen I need a motherboard for my old laptop as it has Adobe Flash CS5 on it and I can't think of another program that'll do what I want like it can, so things have stalled out and will continue to that way for a bit.

So does anyone have any questions about stuff as it stands right now?
What program will you use to animate? And I'm assuming there are some ponies somewhere lol