Animal Crossing New Leaf


Crazy Crab Lady
Jun 25, 2013
Does anyone still play Animal Crossing New Leaf on the 3DS? Or alternatively have you played the other 3 titles on the gamecube, regular DS and Wii?
I literally just started my town again, and I always name my town Heck (not actually Heck but you know what I mean) because I think I'm real funny. I'm actually surprised they'd let me name my town that because in the most recent pokemon games they have a billion words censored, but unlike Pokemon you can't just push a button and trade with a random person.
I have the City Folk version, and I left it because- lets just say that Quackers almost threw the game away because she said it wasn't an actual game LOL

And I named my town Ponyville for some reason. And my character is probably Potato. Lemme go check its name. If I can find it
Sounds like something I would do...XD find the most obscene, profane word and use it as a name for something! :D
Yo I made a sick shirt design for Animal Crossing New Leaf



If you're friends with Mabel she'll get a QR code scanning machine and you'll be able to scan QR codes from the internet to get patterns to use in your game! You'll have to talk to her everyday for 10 or 11 days to get it.