Attn NY Customizers!


Broadway Baby
Sep 14, 2005
Hi there!

I have a bit of a situation here...I have a custom that originally was just supposed to be for me - she's my very first - but then something came up, and she is now a thank you gift for someone. Here the problem - I didn't have time to order Restoredoll hair, so I used Yaki Pony, which is just sticking straight up. I have to have her ready by Weds morning. Is there ANYONE in the NY area that maybe has enough BLACK Restoredoll hair on hand to rehair a G1 baby that could meet me at Toys R Us in Times Square and sell it to me? I'm sure this is an odd request, but I'm a little desperate. *laugh* Thanks so much!

Hmm....that's tough. I can only think of a handful of TPers who live in the city, and I'm not sure if any of them customize. :? Perhaps, would it be an option to look for a barbie with nice black hair at the store or something?? That's what I would try to do if I were you, and in desperate need to have it done by Wed.

Have you tried rubbing some water along her hair line, holding the hair down where you want it with one hand, and using a hair dryer (watch the heat settings and how close you get the dryer since it could melt the hair - hasn't happened to me yet but there's the possibility) to get the hair to lay down a bit? I use this method with getting my stiffer kankeleon sily hair to behave. good luck! :D
Thank you both for your suggestions! I'll give the hair dryer a go, and if that doesn't work, I'll go after the Barbie....dunno why I didn't think of that one!