Awww---years of drool-worthy photos


Baby Stargaze

I shut down my website about a year ago due to very personal reasons!!! Well, I thought I had deleted my directory but I did not. I'm thrilled! I was able to salvage many old pictures taken over the last 7 years or so....check 'em out!

This was from a lot of two prototype princesses that Princess Luna and I split for about $25 each. GREAT buy. Both had different colored tinsil on their manes. We got these gals in '03

My favorite of them all:

My very first Mexican pony, and MIB! Purchased from eBay seller for $100 in 2003


*sniffles* one of my many stolen ponies, stolen from the infamously evil scammer "Moondancer" from Canada who can be found selling knock-off customs on eBay today.

A meet pic! With some of the classic TP members, can you guess who?

I heart Hollywood. This was taken years ago, I now have her complete with her ribbon, wings, and pic

My herd of so softs...gah I love these gals!


a thrift store find from 2003-$15


greek baby, a gift from an ex, he paid $350 for her. I guess now that's nothing compared to how much they go for these days.

random goodies:


My PRIZED possession! An original animation cell from the MLP feature film-not from the cartoons on tv!


Argentina baby CC, I miss her! Traded.

Random great private sales:

I love Euro G2s!!!

Scribbles rocks. I've had this gal around for about 7 years now.

TAF babies, now almost complete MIP, Just two to go!

Mommy and Baby pony, MINT as ever, I got them with the original bright yellow crib too in a lot of 65 (with MANY other rares) for $200 back in 2003

Wow quite the collection you got there. Who is that pony at the top that is symbol less. ANd is that a greek mib baby cotton candy I see? I'm so jealous.
I seee Sweetie Baby Fizzy in the pic! Autumn is such a cutie! I wish she was around more...we miss her.
Wow, you have a wonderful collection. So many colours.

I have a question to your princess-variant: does she have no symbol?

yep, she's symbol-less! And her mane and tail very thin and silky. Was a very weird but great find. Too bad these days, things like this we cannot find so cheap on eBay anymore...everyone tends to find things, no matter how weirdly they are listed, or how hidden they seem!
Baby Stargaze, I've written a couple of PM's to you about a sell/buy pony. Is everything ok?
You do have an amazing collection, congratulations?

Out of curiosity, where in the movie is the animation cell from? I'd love to see!
it says it's from the "pony 2 special" might be that movie that was never made, but was advertised for. I think it looks like the sketch for one of the box arts, but i'm really not sure. I've asked several times for info on it, but nobody seems to know. It was a present bought for me about 6 years ago for a really high cost!
you posted many of these pics before.. right? i SO remember them! especially the prototype princess lot, i'm pretty sure i do.. wow, ive been around a long time, didnt realise it!!.... congrats on finding all your old pic!
The bath scene reminds me of my house...lovely, lovely pics.
Beautiful pictures, Baby Stargaze!

I remember the princess variants auction! I was watching it, but I couldn't afford much at the time, and I did remember it was split between two people, but I forgot who! Is she another of the bizarro Happy Tail/Princess variants?
Wow, those are great pics! It's so neat that you found them. ^-^ What a collection! o_O
I seee Sweetie Baby Fizzy in the pic! Autumn is such a cutie! I wish she was around more...we miss her.

*whipes a tear* I'm here I'm here!! *waves* I miss you guys too!! I'm coming back full force this summer! :D
**drops jaw**

Oh my goodness, Baby Stargaze, that's one stunning collection! **drops jaw**

I'm glad you were able to save your pictures, I can only imagine what it must feel like to recover pictures of all these gems (ppl and ponies) :wink: Must bring back memories and feelings :D
SweetieBabyFizzy - Come up for the NJ meet this summer! We'll all be there

I just might have to do that! I'll check back for updates or you can email me if you feel like it :wink: autumnr_82 @