$ Price Check $ Big Brothers, Sea Pony, and some Accessories


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Oct 9, 2006
Normally I wouldn't ask for price checks, but these ponies have some flaws, and I don't know how much it will decrease their value.



4-Speed's hair and symbols are in gorgeous condition. He does have some spots that don't seem to be budging though. All the marks are on his right side. (You can see them in the top picture.) He has a spot on his face, a small spot on his side, and he has some serious staining around his right ear. (There was dirt or rust on him, so I think it stained him.) He also has some hair stuck in his neck... but his hair hasn't been cut. O___o;;



Slugger's body is basically free of marks, minus a small mark above his symbol on his DS side, a small mark above his NDS eye, and some marks on the bottom of his front right foot. (NDS) Symbols are beautiful. His only big problem is that his forlock has been cut. Only five plugs have been cut, but it's noticable. However, I did find his hat, and if he's wearing it, you don't notice the cut hair. (Hat picture is down further.)



Sealight is kind of a mess, but I'm not sure if I should sell her as bait or not. She has lots of spots (you can see them in the pictures), and her forlock is cut.


Random sea pony float. XD I have to idea who this goes to. Good condition, just some minor paint scrapes. And then there's Slugger's hat. Great condition.

Another big question that I have is if I should sell Slugger and his hat together or separately? (Because of his haircut, I wasn't sure if I would get a good price.)

Thanks in advance for any help. :D
Not sure sure about pricing the boys but I'd sell Slugger and his hat seperately. People who already have him will be after the hat. If he was minty maybe sell together but in this case with a haircut I'd offer them individually.

Also I believe the float belongs to Sunshower. I have it and I think I got it BIN on ebay for about $8.

Hope that helps some :)
4 Speed is prone to brown spots but is still quite sought after, so I'd say about $10 for him :) Maybe less for slugger because of the forelock trim. I'd sell his hat separately.