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Crystal's Dreams of Pony Design

I have an announcement!
I have opened another poll so here, you guys can vote on my next set! Unlike the last one, this survey will be open perpetually, and options will be removed as they are completed ❤️

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I don't think I've posted my artwork here before?
It's been so long haha, as you might notice I joined back in 2010 but I've only just made my way back on here, haha, and into more active pony collecting in general <3
I'm a bit more active on the Arena but I wanted to get back on here too, so here I am!

My passion is designing ponies, and my aim has always been to design ponies that could have conceivably been in the G1 line, thus here are all of the sets I've designed so far - first up, the Cloudpuff Ponies!
They are flocked ponies with fluffy puffy hair aside from a 'normal' forelock. like the Perfume Puffs! They are inspired by how gimmicks started to combine later on down the line, like the Princess Brush 'n Grows <3

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So for my next set, my thoughts went as follows - as Winger Ponies (Summer Wings and Windy Wings) were originally intended to be Baby Flutter Ponies, my concept for Baby Flutters went in a different direction - caterpillars! They are teeny-tiny sized with pearlescent tails and tiny little flutter wings! Just like adult Flutter Ponies, they have a lil' symbol on their cheek <3

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Continuing my trend of favouring the various gimmick mashups that occurred later in the G1 line, here are the Rock Candy Ponies! <3
Scented, sparkly, translucent rock stars with crystalline candy guitars and electrifying crimped manes!
The glitter in their bodies is the large chunky mylar stuff, giving them a really crystalline texture and they also have iridescent tinsel in their manes - they're pretty much a combination of some of my favourite G1 aesthetics and I hope you guys love them as well!
This is also one of my favourite backgrounds I've ever designed -- I usually struggle with them due to my lack of depth perception but I think this one turned out great, especially the candy dance floor!​

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For this one, I really wanted to do a Halloween set, as we never got one in G1, but also, in keeping with the G1 line, black was never used as a main (hair/body) colour and it's one of the big Halloween colours, so I wanted to challenge myself to make a seasonal line without it!
These ponies all glow in the dark, and I had to restrain myself from madding any extra features, otherwise every line I design would wind up being a glitterbomb XD
I'm also super proud of the background for this one, as it's something I struggle with so I really tried hard on this one to make it as atmospheric as possible!

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These guys were on on the backburner for over a year, as G1 never did any Easter ponies (well, standard issue US/UK G1 didn't) and I wanted to make some! <3
Went off of the feel of our two official Greek Easter ponies (Ladybird and Lambaditsa) which is why Marshmallow Frosting is in the sitting pose and shares similar colours; I wanted her to feel familiar but not be a copy of either preexisting pony if that makes sense?
I imagine they're chocolate scented, or perhaps vanilla.... Greek pony plastic is meant to smell like vanilla from what I've heard, so perhaps that works well?

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Another set that was in my head for a long while,
They're another gimmick combo, this time they're flocked AND scented, it's meant to look a bit like a powdered sugar coating, hence the name <3

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Our final one this far, this set was a challenge to myself, as I usually don't like floral themes, but I actually really like how these girls turned out! <3
The Precious Petal Ponies are flower-scented, like their names, and their symbols are 3D domed cabochons, with floral-shaped sequins and glitter that you can shake around inside!
The gold parts are like chrome gold, so their symbols are somewhat similar to the Princess Ponies crossed with the Precious Pockets if that makes sense? They're inspired by potpourri too!
This background was also my most ambitious one to date, and I'm also quite proud of it haha, I've always wanted to paint one of those old-style fancy gilt greenhouses.
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That's all for now, but I hope you enjoy them! <3
These are so great! Love your artwork!
Obsessed with the flutterpillars your brain is massive for that
My newest set as voted on by you guys, say hello to the Neon Night Ponies!

They feature glowing elements - their bangs (and the braid clip in their mane) as well as their neon sign-inspired symbols all glow in the dark!

This set took a bit longer than usual due to me getting busy with animation work as well as the fact I tried even more to make the set look as authentic as possible, as well as designing a set-specific logo for them!

Finally, these guys were inspired by a multitude of things, but chief among them Disco Magic Sindy, Glitter ‘n Glow Lace and the fact I’ve gotten back into watching City Hunter haha :)

I hope you enjoy them! <3

Aaaah your designs are always such a delight! I adore this new set, your dedication to authenticity shows and you are fantastic at it. I wish Glitzy Glow were real!
There so cute its pratically eye candy!!!

Ahh thankyou so much! <3

These are so great! Love your artwork!

Thankyou! I'm so glad you enjoy it! <3

Ahhh thank you, I really appreciate the font resource!

No problem!

Omg!!! These are incredible! Wonderful job!!

Ahh thankyou so much! <3

aHHH I love these ponies so much! I love thinking about the g1 lines and also I love the Flutterpillars, they're so cute and silly! And I am also a huge fan of the flocked ponies, theyre hecka cute. Can't wait to see what you make next.

Aww thankyou so much! I'm glad you like them haha, they were a bit divisive when I first revealed them :tongue:

Obsessed with the flutterpillars your brain is massive for that

Ahh thankyou! I'm glad you like them haha, they're probably one of my favourite concepts I've done to date!

They're so 80s! I love them!

Thankyou so much! I'm glad I managed to capture that 80s essence! <3

Aaaah your designs are always such a delight! I adore this new set, your dedication to authenticity shows and you are fantastic at it. I wish Glitzy Glow were real!

Aww thankyou! I'm so glad you enjoy my work! Glitzy Glow and Bright Night seem to be most peoples' favourites from what I've seen! <3


I am very pro-Flutterpillar and so asked Crystal_Sushi if I could 3D model them, so here is my mock-up! (I couldn't make the tails only pearlescent easily in my program, so you'll have to use your imagination). The flutterpillar "Apple Blossom"~ I've never modeled a baby pony face so it was very fun to do!

Also I have to say the Neon Night ponies are excellent, I love the idea of the glow-in-the-dark hairclips. It adds more play and customization if you can move them around, plus there's a great combination of pastels + darker tones in the bodies and hair. I think I like Glitzy Glow the best but Midnight melody's cutie mark is really nice too~
If I ever want a g1 styled commission I sure know who to seek!

Ahh thankyou so much, I'm flattered! I am almost always open for commissions and hopefully I'll be able to do the G1 animated style soon as well (infinitely glad the model sheets are now available for me to reference from!) <3

I love your artwork style. These ponies look so adorable.

Gotta love the 80s!

Aww thankyou so much! I tried to make them as 80s as possible haha :happyhearts:

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I am very pro-Flutterpillar and so asked Crystal_Sushi if I could 3D model them, so here is my mock-up! (I couldn't make the tails only pearlescent easily in my program, so you'll have to use your imagination). The flutterpillar "Apple Blossom"~ I've never modeled a baby pony face so it was very fun to do!

Also I have to say the Neon Night ponies are excellent, I love the idea of the glow-in-the-dark hairclips. It adds more play and customization if you can move them around, plus there's a great combination of pastels + darker tones in the bodies and hair. I think I like Glitzy Glow the best but Midnight melody's cutie mark is really nice too~

OMG AAAAH I LOVE HER!! You have done an AMAZING job I am literally speechless....! Every little detail is perfect and you absolutely NAILED the face! :hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:

The Neon Night girls actually gave me SO much trouble with their colours! I actually wound up taking inspiration for their colour palettes from the backgrounds of the 90s Sailor Moon anime, as you can see here with their concept art!


I want so desperately for Flutterpillars to be real :cry:

I feel like they're closer than ever now thanks to otteroflore's AMAZING work! :hearteyes:
OMG AAAAH I LOVE HER!! You have done an AMAZING job I am literally speechless....! Every little detail is perfect and you absolutely NAILED the face! :hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:

The Neon Night girls actually gave me SO much trouble with their colours! I actually wound up taking inspiration for their colour palettes from the backgrounds of the 90s Sailor Moon anime, as you can see here with their concept art!

<3 Thanks for the kind words, and thank you for the inspiration! I love that there are other people who are interested in developing new g1 pony ideas.
Also I really like seeing your concept art with the screenshots! It's neat to see the way you assembled the color palettes compared to the anime, especially with Glitzy Glow- a muted/desaturated pony can turn out kind of "muddy" in some cases (I'm looking at you, Twice as Fancy Buttons >_>)- BUT it looks really good balanced out with other pale colors!
Enchanted Evening is my fave of the Neon Glow ponies! :redheart:
These are amazing! I would definitely have some of these on my wishlist if they were real :ponylove: