He was Pardon and Forgiven.

The Cleo Collector

Oh My Ra!
Oct 6, 2013
Well if you don't know Several of our pet chickens. One of mine and two of my mothers were killed over the last few weeks.
The few we have left can get let out for fear we will lose them too.
Anyway We found by using a Hunting camera that it was a LARGE Raccoon coming up and kill them.

So my dad got some of those Live traps to catch it. We were very anger that this coon came in and killed our pets and I will not lie we wanted it dead.
Today the Coon or at least one was caught in the Trap. When we saw him we decided to forgive the little guy and pardon him for killing our pets.
We took him a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off into the woods down the road and let him go.
We still think there more of them but we will just keep setting the live traps and releasing them far away from our home.

So Raccoon who ate my chickens your pardon but lets not meet again.
Raccoons can be scary. My parent's mini American Eskimo dog took on three at once when they invaded the yard. He almost died. They don't have the dog anymore since he passed from age and now raccoons are back and killing chickens. This is extra troublesome since my parents live right by the most major intersection in Vancouver. It's because the apartment buildings behind their property let the garbage get out of hand. Vancouver has a great grandfather policy on properties so my parents have an acre right in the middle of the city. There was one in my yard, so I had to keep my Wesley inside. He wanted to get out and defend his property so badly, but the raccoon was easily three times his size. They are 80% more likely to be rabid in highly populated areas, too.
Anyway, I'm glad you got him/her relocated. Kudos.
Now just to get the rest out of here.
I help raise a baby coon when I was little. He had to be turn loose when he was bigger. The would not make good pets for sure.