Hi there!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 25, 2014
Hi! I'm Medicin!
I'm a 13 year old Brazillian girl, who is a writer even though my English sucks XD (Is it supposed to be capitalized there?)
I love pullips, even though at the moment I only have one. She is a Paja I got used from Mercado Livre (It's the Brazillian Ebay) I named her Viola, after the protagonist from The Witch's House ^^
My favorite bands are Passepied (It's a Jpop band, not sure if you guys know it because I never met anyone who knew it XD) and Epica.
My favorite animes are Cowboy Bebop and Madoka Magica (even though I don't like yuri XD)
Favorite games are OFF, Ib, The Witch's House, Saints Row, Mad Father and many more ^^
I collect G1, G2, G3 and Equestria Girls. My collection is very small at the moment (Here on Brazil it's very hard and expensive to get ponies, so I don't have any G1s at the moment)
As you can probably tell by my username, G2 is my favorite generation XD
Wow, I ended up typing a lot! Sorry for the novel XD
I just realized I forgot to say one thing! The OC in my avatar is my Happy Tree Friends character Ducky ^^ She was drawn by my real life best friend whose dA is Missmagicalwolf ^^
Greetings and hello's! I am Michelle Lysyk from Calgary, Canada! Enjoy the forum! Love ponies!
Welcome to the board, Medicin! I know you'll have a lovely time here. Perhaps you can do some trading and such to get some more Ponies to your herd. Many of us have no problem shipping to Brazil.

You also find many anime fans (myself included!) here, as well as JPop lovers. One of my favourite bands is Kiryu (although they aren't really seen as pop so much...)

Great to have you here!
Hi there! Lovely to see another G2 fan, gamer, writer and anime lover on the forum! :p It's extremely hard to get ponies here in South Africa too, so I know the feeling.
Hi and welcome to the trading post :). I have always wanted to visit in Brazil, unfortunately it is so far from Finland that is little bit expensive to go there :p...
I hope you have fun in here ^^