I think my washing machine is possessed


Proud Owner of Cat Pee Pony
Dec 24, 2010
Just look at my blanket. :eek: This is all that is left of it after I put it in the washing machine. I am shocked. What in the world happened here? Epic fail. Oh and there is a pile of pieces on the garage floor. I had to vacuum the washer out. What gives? o_O My other blankets feel gritty so I am going to have to wash them again. Honestly, I should have not tried to do anything this morning. I hope the rest of you are having a nice weekend.
(Gets holy water)
"The power of Christ compells you. Begone demon of the washing machine"

Sorry watch the exorcist too much.
Chloe says she gonna eat da ghost outta it!

My machine did this to a blanky once. I can only assume a corner piece got caught to the lip of the tub and the machine shredded it as it spun.

Or you have a hateful spook. It can happen. I saw it on TV. Has to be true.
oh wow :O My washiong m,achine doesn't like me either.. Or I just do not know how to use it properly.. I guess the blanket was little bit brokenand it gor stuck for someplace in the machine and then it well apart totally.. that would be logical or the washing machine is haunted.
I have done 3 loads since this whole eating my blanket thing and I am still pulling out clean laundry with blanket pieces all over it. I can't figure out where it is coming from. I cleaned the washer out with a dust buster.
Looks like kitty is prompt to investigate though, so that's reassuring ^-^

Sure kitty will take care of those remnants for you! By eating them, rolling around and turning blanket bits into nice hair balls :p

Looks like future loads should have holy water sprinkled in with them~
Oo our washing machine packed a major hissy fit on the same day! I got in from feeding his Lofty-ness and it had spat the dummy so badly the base of the bowl had twisted out of the bowl, the whole machine would no longer sit on the floor without rocking and it had tried to escape it's corner and run across the kitchen. I put my neck out carrying it out while a sleepy Sharkbait watched on, He said if I could lift it out of the house I could buy myself a new one. The pain was worth it, that bloody machine was only a step above scrubbing our washing on a rock in a river.

Try painting big crucifixes all over your washer Tula, or put candy in it for Halloween & dare the trick or treaters to get their sweeties if they dare
ROFLOL @RedTabbyKitty I just love the rock on the river thing. That is hilarious. Yea that is what my machine does. It dances across the floor. I just love when it bangs into the dryer and makes this horrible sound that causes the dog to lose his mind and takes years off my life in the process.

Quick! Go get Demon Donkey and offer its soul to the washah machine! :O

~Baby Quackers

I think Demon Donkey is going to marry Cat Pee Pony. baaaaaa
Wow All my moms washer does is sing. I want a haunted washer now.