I won another auction - but did I pay too much?


Easily Amused Pony
Dec 13, 2005
I feel you did fine. :) She's in good shape, and you didn't overpay. Plus, you really wanted her!

No worries, sometimes I shake like a leaf and think to myself "I just spent what!?!" right after I win an auction. There are No feelings of regret however once my parcel arrives in the mail. :)

Nah, you didn't pay too much. Especially if she's completing part of your collection. Congrats!

I'm really lucky, for the most part this set is quite minty! I think only Sea Breeze has a problem (reeks of cigarette smoke - easily taken care of - and two slight eye make-up rubs). I'm so excited - now I have Tropical, Sundazzle, and a ton of Butterfly Island ponies! My room can become a tropical pony paradise :D Well, part of it at least. They have to share with everyone else on my bookshelf...goodness knows how snippy those G1's can get with the G3's.
yeah, you did good. Fantastic would have been $3, but awful would have been $20. So you're smack dab right where you should be! I've seen them go a bit higher, too. She's the set completor I need also, btw. =)