is this a varient bluebelle?

hmm, you do get white bluebelles, but theyre usually, whiter... lol, and theyre only UK i think, so i am a bit undecided on that one...
oh COOL i think that is that varient!!! I've seen her several times, apparently she was poorly made, and is pretty valuable these days. Commonly known to have a completely different colored head than body because of either her plastic or dye. Many people know a lot more than I do about her though.
Is it just me, or does she look just badly faded? Especially since the head is a different colour.
Some white bluebelles do have white body blue head, but she doesnt look white enough to me, she just looks badly faded, ive known a lot of blossoms go that way...
thanks!! to me it looks the varient, but i obviously dont knwo for sure..? anyway ill be able to tell for sure when i get her?
I must admit I think its just faded as well.
Yes. You can see that the blue of the head extends past the neck line just a tad. I think once she's clean, she will look a lot whiter. I have two of these girls, no two are alike, and they are AWESOME!

when i first saw her i thought she is whats listed on the link above as the white bodied blubelle.. im not sure.. i dont know who her body would fade so perfectly but her head be original? idk.. once i get her i will clean her and post new pictures.. just out of curiousness if she was a real wierd pony how much does she go for? thanks

I would say around $60.00, depending on the coolness of her color combo. I've bought a few of these, but never at full price, since I'd get them in lots like you did. I'm kind of sorry I didn't see that auction lol. She's cool!

she looks really dirty.. I think after you give her a bath you should be able to tell better.
lol, I think it's a realllly dirty mostly white-bodied Bluebelle; a motley one, like my new one, cause I can see a little blue below her tail-hole, behind her symbols!

If she is a partly-white one, could you post some pics of her once she's cleaned up? lol, I love the varied weird white/part white Bluebelles, I want to do a sight about them, but there really isn't any info on them, other then it seams like they are all origanally from the western states of the US.
i will post pics when i get her.. i am really excited to see what she looksd like all cleaned up!!
yes i did this weekk. she took forever to arrive.. i hope to get her cleaned in the next few days! all those ponies were disgusting!! ill post pictures here when i get her cleaned up! thanks!
