Is this normal for this sculpt?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 9, 2023
I have a g1 sprinkles that im planning on trying to restore and i noticed shes got a hairline that seems to go farther down her nose than looks right? The only other example of this sculpt that I own is my firefly so I want to know if other people have noticed this on theirs?

Not sure if this is any help, but here is my Sprinkles and her hair: It does go down pretty far to where it’s level with her eyelids, I don’t have another ponies in this pose I can compare it to :,) It looks normal to me for this specific pony at least
I have three ponies in this pose atm, and two of them have hair that goes to about that spot. Ironically the only one I have that doesn't is my Sprinkles :lolpony:
I've seen some pretty wonky hairlines on ponies, there seems to be a decent variety in them similar to size variety in poses
My Sprinkles' hair goes as far as the one @CharmsPonies does. So maybe two holes less than yours(?)
I had this with twin Bunkie. I had three with different hairline lengths. But I only kept one, because I thought that wasn't enough to make it a variant.