Just A Small Rant.

Twilight Pink

May 13, 2013
(I didn't wanna put this in the Dream Beauty Lounge because I wanna hear ALL opinions despite of age...if younger members decide to comment)

But I was looking on a website, and they had an article on cool looking bikinis that wouldn't make one feel bare while they're out having summer fun. I look down to see the prices of these bikinis and the prices were straight up outrageous! D8

$60, $90, $200?!!!!

Like why? Why would a bikini (or any swimsuit) costs so much? You're gonna wear it only during the summer time, and by next year's summer rolls around, chances are you might not be able to fit your $150 swimsuit :/ which is wow...an utter waste of money e_e

Since when did swimsuits start costing over $20? If I'm gonna pay that much for something, it better be beneficial to my health is some kinda way....ಠ_ಠ

Does anyone else feels like this? Or atleast can provide some answers? :s
Dayum! Must be because of the inflation and desire of them among young people. Plus if it's a new innovative bikini, it's gonna be expensive to build a reputation and start the brand up. Plus people will be willing to pay because it's so new and fresh. I whole pony-heartedly agree it's ridiculous... if you think of how much fabric a bikini consists of... you could buy a dressss for that price!

btw I'm so glad you didn't post it in the DB lounge, I really wanted to throw my penny in ;)
You know when I went to get our swim wear this year, I too was shocked by the prices as well. I was not after a bikini but a nice one piece, dh needed something that fit. I went with the least expensive suit sold by Lands End I could find that i liked. This isn't easy for me because I have to have a size 6 Long. That is a hard size to find anywhere but Lands End. I am short but long waisted and swim suits that are a regular size 6 are too short. Honestly, I could have used a size 4 but finding that in a Long is too difficult. Oh and I used a coupon. I am past the age where my suit needs to make a statement. I think I am at the stage where just me in the suit makes a statement roflol. So, I got swim shorts too. Styles for suits really changed this year. I think its economic issues all over the globe. Swim suits don't hold up well to be worn the next year easily, but i have found Lands End to have the best quality and I can get about 3 to 4 years out of a suit. Their prices are high too. Companies can charge more for swim suits because you have to have one. Spandex must be the new silk. Maybe the spandex worm is an endangered species.. Lol

I think I did pretty good, for under 100.00 I got a suit, swim shorts, dh swim suit, a beach bag, hat and flip flops. I had a great coupon, something was on sale and I got free shipping. Then I went to Ross for the beach essentials. I got my sun lotion at the grocery store. So we are ready to hit the beach once the tropical storm is over.
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@tulagirl you basically got the whole summer package! :p. I'm glad my tankini that I had since 7th grade can fit me :D
Yea, when I was a kid, I got a new suit every summer. Then in my 20s I tried to buy the cheaper suits but they would stretch out so bad by the end of the summer, I would have to toss them. So, the cheaper the suit the cheaper the fabric and it may not be the best purchase.
Ouch, what a crummy price. I could see spending that much on a ton of new clothes but not for a bathing suit
They know you really want a flattering suit so they jack the price up and twirl their little greasy mustaches, knowing you'll pay a higher price for a nice suit that probably cost them 2 dollars and a bowl of rice to make. Clothes companies are vile things.
OMG I just wouldn't spend that much on a bikini unless it was a stretch & grow like the baby clothes so was going to fit me forever. Plus I'd rather get some new boots & jeans with that money. But I won't swim unless it's a matter of life or death. Lucky I'm kinda cuddly therefore nice & buoyant :)
I actually went to the lake today with Mr Hank, but we were sad to see it was closed. National Grasslands Park and it's closed due to funding cuts. We go to the lake all the time, hardly anyone there ever. Now what to do? Sit in the stock pond?

Grump. I am ticked.
@evilbunnyfoofoo you could fill the bathtub and give the cats a swimming lesson ;)

Yeah I've done this, not throwing the kits in but they use to stalk me when ever I turned the shower on, so I started putting about 5 inches of water in the tub for the kits to paddle in. They loved it
My cats would be bouncing off the walls if they even thought they'd get wet! It would be both hilarious and deadly. :D
I forgot welding gloves & a goalie mask help a lot. My better half had a long haired cat who needed to be bathed & button hole from time to time. There was swearing & bloodshed .............her swearing & my bloodshed:)
Oh that is a lot! But if it is a brand then that is usual. The name is what is pricy not making the bikini.. Which is ridicilous!
I loathe bathing suits. Even when I was skinny as a rail I felt naked in them. As I got older and realized I needed to wear one to be able to do things with my family, I started looking into bathing suits that were flattering. I never felt good in a cheap one. The material is not flattering nor does it really support the sisters (who have gotten quite large since I started breast feeding my babies). I broke down and bought two Land's End bathing suits a few years back. Boy did they hurt the wallet, but they looked gorgeous on and supported my breasts. I am too heavy to wear them right now, but I kept them to fit into again some day. The quality of a Lands End suit is worth every penny. I hate the idea of spending so much, but at the end of the day if I can feel comfortable in a bathing suit (something I have never in my life been able to do) then I feel it is worth it.
Both the price and the fit... or lack thereof... are the reason I wore an exercise bra, dark-colored T-shirt, and a pair of athletic shorts every time I went swimming during the past two years. Having a long torso and barely fitting an A34 bra makes finding a proper fit nearly impossible. I'd love to order online, but I need to be able to try on my suit first.

I finally lucked out and managed to snatch some nice pieces from a local K-Mart liquidation sale. A bikini bottom with a skirt, and a high-collar tank that zips up in the front. Both fit nicely, although the cup size is just slightly too large. But hey, it isn't noticeable to anyone but me, so I can't complain.

Hope you find some nice suits soon, TP!