Mal the Browncoat Pony



Here he is folks, just in time to celebrate the release of the movie Serenity this Friday!




He's an apoxie sculpt creation, from suspenders to sidearm. I know his hair might be just a bit un-manly, but I didn't want to cut it shorter because it would stick straight up.

For anyone who doesn't recognize Captain Tightpants here, I highly reccommend the series Firefly on DVD and the movie Serenity. As long as you're not offended by a bit 'o thevin, space banditry, and a registered companion!

My current plan for him is to put him on ebay this Friday, opening day for the movie.


Edited to add this Shameless Plug!
The work on the body with skulpy is absolutely stunning! Id love to see your customs, if you've made more.
Shiny! I'm toying around with my own Serenity custom (won't be ready for the BDM though) and I love your version of Mal. He needs an optional pretty floral bonnet accessory! ;)
LOL!!!! WooT! By all the things in the verse! I love him! I want!
Thanks guys! :D I love how many pony fans are Browncoats as well, I find it amusing. (in a great way!)

Pinkchicken, I have a customs album here, but it's not very organized and far from complete!

WOW doll! What a hunk! Oohh, hottie hottie! Believe me, his mane and tail are flawless! And I love his sexy outfit and how you painted his eyes!


Flutta pony drawn by me~~!

OMG THAT'S AWESOME! I've gotta show my boyfriend he'll die! he loves firefly! that's an AWESOME pony! great job with the clothing!!!