Newest Ponyville comic strip


Spoosh McSpoosh
May 26, 2005
Hello everyone. :)

I won't make it a habit of posting each Ponyville strip to the TP, so worry not! If you'd like to follow the strip, please add the Ponyville LJ to your LJ friends list. At some point I would like to create a website for the comic, but until then, the quickest (and often only) way to see Ponyville is through LJ.

Here's this Monday's strip, which I am really pleased with. There's always things I'd like to improve on, of course (plenty, really).

Pink pony - Cotton Candy; purple pony - Ki'ono; green pony - Minty; monkey - the monkey.


Hope you enjoy! :)
Lol! I love your comics! You should make a book of them and sell around here. I'd buy! I love that coffee mug too. Great job
Ive never seen your comic strips before Spoosh they're amazing!

I love Ki'ono!

An honorary New Yorker! :D Did you make that banner? Thanks, Kar!

Now I need only to visit New York.

Syrus, glad you've finding Ponyville for the first time! Hope you enjoy :)

And thank you, Galaxy and Caramel. Glad you like it!
LOL~~! Awesome comic Spoosh! It really made me smile!


Flutta pony drawn by me~~!
the comic

How cute. I will have to add that to my lj list. ^^
Wow! I wish I could do comics! Those ponies look creepy to me (no offense)IMO
Again - most excellent! :clap: Hehehe! :D *luvs Ponyville comics*
