oxiclean question


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Dec 15, 2022
can you use any kind of oxiclean for pony cleaning? like does it have to be color safe or whitening or something? i think i just got the regular kind, is that okay to use?
I've personally only ever used color safe but I've also never heard of a bad experience with the regular kind. The MLP restoration project didn't have any specifics that I could find. What kinds does everyone else use? (Also if after some advice from other pony friends you're still skeptical, I would try using just a little bit on small patch of a bait pony)
I have used the whitening kind... probably shouldn't lol. Though I haven't had any problems yet. Specifically, I use Vanish oxi action crystal white. It may have different ingredients to the US stuff...
I use the regular powder oxyclean and have had no trouble at all. I use cold water for so soft and glitter symbols and princess ponies but most others will tolerate hot water and oxyclean ( in my experience.) Obviously use your best judgment and good luck!
oxiclean will strip the princess charms of their like, "mirror" paint, i learned that first hand lol
I use Vanish Oxiaction (We don't have Oxiclean on Europe) and the first time i did it i used an Off-brand one...When i wiped it from my Sky Dancer's cheek the blush was gone :cry:. Then i used the branded one and was totally safe, it also didn't ruin her glitter symbols like i expected!
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I use the regular one with good results
FYI , a warning.
If you get oxyclean that has blue stuff inside, make sure you dissolve it COMPLETELY before submerging pony. It can and will stain pony blue if not dissolved completely. I found this issue with cheaper store-brand oxycleans. I've ruined a few ponies on accident and it will not come off.