Question - Curling Hair


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Sep 15, 2005
Not actually customising any ponies but I want to curl my Silly Sunshine's lovely long hair. Does anyone have ideas of what to use/how to do it?

Thank you!
Fire Muse has some curler sets that work great for ponies' hair. I don't have the link to her website, but I'm sure if you PM her, she'll be glad to help you out. They are really easy to use.

*is giddy with happiness*

Ashlyne! You made my day! ^_^

*melts with joy*

Angel, here is the link to the website, and if you are interested, send me a PM. Because I am getting ready to re-vamp the web page... kits, pricing, everything.

Cool pony things! Home of Fire Muse's Perfect Pony Curlers.

*dances with joy* ^_^

They're fantastic!!

I live in the UK, how much would it cost to ship out 6 of the curlers? Do you accept Paypal?

Thank you

Yes, I most certainly accept PAYPAL! ^_^

Sending you a PM, Angel!
Heh, I just use a curling iron. I've never had a problem. And a lot of them, I condition their hair, and then wrap them in lip gloss with those little clippees holding it.

Hiya, Wisp! ^_^

Yeah, I use a curling iron... to straighten frizzy hair before I use the curlers on them. I like to minimize any heat treatments on my pony's plastic hair. For me, once is enough! And even then, I want to be very careful not to burn or melt the hair. Eeek! @_@

Angel, I took this pic to put up on my website, and I realized... It's Silly Sunshine! Do you like?

Nice pic... I just wash and curl my ponies hair using a straw and bobbypins. My kingsly had lost his curl and after cutting a straw, wrapping the hair around it, and securing it with bobbypins I let him dry and he looks as good as new. I also did Sparkler's tail and main, it took two tries (as the first time it ended up a fro) but I has happy with the curls. I've never tried ringles but I heard that if you wrap it down a straw while wet it should turn out nicely once dried.

I had braided a few ponies with wet hair and let it dry when I was young though and nothing seems to straighten it. I tried an iron even, although I was too scared to get it too hot so maybe that was it... didn't want to melt the hair though.

Thanks, Zabe77 and Kar Red Roses! ^_^

Yes, the Perfect Curlers follow basically the same method as the straw-and-bobbypin (or chapstick) method... with a few time-saving improvements.

Instead of a straw or slick plastic, the Center Stick of the curler is a sealed wooden dowel. This means that:

- It is extra sturdy, and won't collapse if you wrap the hair tightly. (Like a straw can)
- It has a little bit of friction on the hair, making the curling process much easier and quicker than if it was slipping off all the time.
- You can use them over and over and over again... no more trying to find a replacement during a curling session.

The clips are specifically chosen to provide a lot of holding power while remaining SMALL enough that you can place a whole lot of curlers on one pony, and the clips won't crowd each other out.

Certainly, collectors could make these for themselves... but if you figure the time involved...

(driving to the hardware store, getting the dowels cut, rounding off the sharp ends, water-sealing and drying the dowels, putting it all together, etc.)

...and the various costs and tools involved...

(saw, sander, sandpaper, sealant, drying rack, the wood, the clips)'s a great convenience to have all this done for you in one deal, as well as getting a very detailed instruction sheet on how to use them successfully. It has drawings, too. ^_^

Kar... I don't know about that custom hair. I have found that stiffer hair (as expected) pulls out of a curl faster than looser hair. My Rainbow Flash has chronically stiff hair, and will only keep very loose curls, at best.

I have heard that when you have a curler in, some people put hairspray or a diluted solution of water and Elmer's GLUE onto the hair, and letting it dry that way. I understand that that keeps the curls intact longer.

I personally haven't done either of those things... I prefer to keep as much foreign substances OUT of my pony's hair as possible! I only use water to make my curls. And the Perfect Curlers! ^_^

Ironing is very tricky, too. I've practiced using one on ponies over a very long time, slowly using hotter and hotter settings as I got more familiar with it. I've just heard so many stories of someone MELTING their pony's hair because they left the iron on it too long! O_O I'm fairly comfortable using it now, but as I said earlier... one heat-treatment on plastic hair is enough for me to risk! ^_^

I prefer to use the curling iron to SMOOTH out frizzy hair, and get curls IN after that by using just water and the Perfect Curlers. To me, that minimizes risk of heat damage.


^_^ Heehee! *huggles Ginaiam*

Yes, I do know my stuff pretty well! ^_^
WOW Silly Sunshine looks amazing!!!

I can wait to get ur curlers now, roll on payday!!
Very cool Fire Muse... thanks for all the info. You're so right, the hair slips of the straws constantly... it can get very frustrating. The very ends of the curls always end up crimped on mine too.

Does tinsel curl too? I think I saw a mention of tinsel on your website.

Also, the kits... will they include instructions, like advice on how many curles to use and what types of sectioning to create differnt types of curls... like if you want to recurl a pony to look like it originally did? You sound quite experienced so I thought it might be helpful to purchasers.