question/poll regarding g1 pony tails


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 21, 2005
Hi guys, i was just wondering. I have a bunch of nirvanas that have bad pony tails (cut/trimmed or frizzy) and was wondering should I just look for another pony with similar tail color and use that tail instead or keep the original? What do you guys do with rare ponies with bad tails, do you change the tail or keep the original tail to make it more "original" or "authentic"?

**** oh yeah please look at my wanted pony tail add in want to buy section, lolz :D
i think id change it, but id keep the orignal too so i could swap back if i wanted to sell it or changed my mind.

~ Diana
if i can change the tail i will, i'd rather have hte pony look all pretty with a new tail than ratty witht he old one :p
I don't usually buy ponies with bad hair etc.
But I would change the tail if I had a pony that needed that.

Just a question... what is nirvana ponies? :?

the pony i'm thinking of changing tails are brazilians and argies. I think i will just keep the original tail.