Reverse Majesty & Snow Castle


Comfortably dizzy
Jun 8, 2005
These two customs were created to go with my custom Snow Castle playset which I completed a while um....a year ago!

Snow Castle was made at the same time as the play set but I have just never got round to taking a picture. She was my first proper re-hair so is not perfect.

Majesty I finished this week. I made her blue stripe a cooler blue so she looks frosty.



Snow Castle xxx
They're both lovely! Do you have any pics of the playset?
Oooo beautiful :shock:

I don't believe you or anyone that sais that "this is my first" cuz' everything I look at that sias that looks amazing like you're all professionals =P
I *love* reversed Majesty. Really, REALLY pretty. ^___^

I'm not big on Snow Castle's symbol, though. o.o Her hair is beautiful - but maybe you could paint, I dunno, snow flakes around the stones or something? Just a suggestion. ^^;
i love reverse majesty. i think she looks a bit better like that, actually. white ponies with white hair are beautiful.
They are both very pretty and I LOVE the colors on each!!
Ooo, I like reverse Majesty, she's pretty with the white hair. :D
wow they're awesome! reverse majesty is perfect, I had my majesty rehaired in the same colours, but the normal way around ^^

I like snow castle, she's cute

Oh wow I love the reverse majesty very neat looking
I like the other one to.
PGR :)
I love Majesty with more white! :)
I've always loved all or mostly white ponies...Princess Tiffany is one of my all-time favorites :D
Both are very beautiful!!! and Majesty looks, well I can't think of the right words right now other than magical, glowing, angelic ect...
I LOVE Snow Castle's hair colors, shes beautiful! And Majesty looks more like Vanilla Mint or Iced Vanilla :) I like that you did an off white on her since shes not perfectly white (well MOST aren't. Silly "white" ponies turning yellow!) Good job :eek:k:
I love Snow Castle's hair! You made a great decision with the colors ^-^ And I believe that for being your first rehairing job, you made it perfectly ^-^

Reverse Majesty is just AWSOME!!!!! She looks like an ice princess! So elegant and frozen ^-^ I love your idea!!!!