Safely using uv panels to sunfade?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Feb 6, 2024
I heard good things about using uv panels to sunfade but I'm not sure if I'm using them right lol. I cover all skin and wear special uv goggles when I'm using it but I'm not sure if this is a sufficient cover for the lights. Would a bit of light peeking out like this be dangerous or am I overthinking it?? Is there something better I could use to cover it rather than a box?
I would find a way to cover it completely and not take the chance. Maybe another piece of cardboard?

Are you using RetroGeek Crafts' method? Cause I think in the newer videos they've switched to a foam cooler. Odd Tinkering has a version using plastic tub too.
Thank you! I was using RetroGeeks method but i think i'll try to make a foam cooler like they have done, that's probably a lot safer than a box by itself.