$ Price Check $ Selling G3 NIB collection


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Mar 22, 2015
Hi everyone,

I am selling my entire pony collection. I have been collecting since I was a child and I have lots of G1 (not in boxes) and a ton of G3 all never taken out of their packaging. I need to sell these and all of my other collectibles, Sailor Moon and Pokemon, to fund my son's special education therapy. I love all my collectibles, but my son needs this help and I need to find a way to pay for it. All of my collectibles have been kept in storage bins and boxes within temperature controlled storage units. So just normal wear from being so old now.

I was wondering if anyone had any pricing suggestions? I've looked on eBay and some of these ponies just aren't there in their packaging for me to get an idea of what kind of price to ask for.

I am compiling a google drive folder with all the photos of each pony. I will update the list as I find more, I know I have more in my storage unit.


Thanks for your help!
Wow!! What an impressive collection!! I’m sorry to hear that you’re having to sell your collection to fund therapy for your son, but I hope we can help you out here.

May I call a temporary hesitant dibs on a few? I can help look for price references but I know how infrequently some come up for sale especially MIB. (Idk that I could afford all that I want, but I can see what I’d be able to swing.)

March & July birthstones
March, July, & May birthflowers
Ballet Dance Slippers & Dance Around
Fun Fairy & Lovely Ladybug
I started looking through those photos and actually clutched at my chest like a meme. It's amazing! These decisions are always so hard to make, but you should be proud of yourself for the care you've taken with this collection and for taking care of your family. I'll keep an eye out for whenever you put them up for sale and help out however I can. <3