UK ponies question


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Jun 8, 2005
I hate to be a bugger but I really appreciate you guys' input. So the majority of ponies released in the US were also released in the UK exactly the same. Is is nessicary to list all those ponies again in the collection management system, just under UK? Or would it be better just to list the ones that were different and for those that were the same but had different names, list the UK name in US list just in parentheses? I'm thinking the redudndancy most people don't care about. They get one princess pony and count it as both US and UK. What are your thoughts about how to document UK ponies?
I think it would be a lot smoother if you just add the UK names next to the US ones.

And then amybe do a seperate list for the ponies that were only sold in the UK and are different from the US ones :)
yeah i would list the US ones then the UK names beside. then ofcourse the UK only ones on their own list :)