What Are You Most Thankful For?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
May 20, 2015
For me it's having parents that keep me home and care for me instead of sending me to live in some institution for the disabled. And that medical technology has advanced to where I can have a portable ventilator to help me breathe. ;) (Without it I wouldn't be here today.) And most importantly, that God sent His Son to die for me and resurrect so that I could be saved and join Him in Heaven someday, with friends and loved ones [including pets ;) ] gone on before, in a new body free from defect. :D Also for places like this, where you can meet new friends with a shared interest. :)
Those are wonderful things BronyTroy. I am so glad you have the portable ventilator. I am sure that has given you a new freedom and allowed you to go places and see things instead of being in a hospital. I can only imagine how much better it is for you to be home with your loved ones. Its peaceful and a good place for you to be.

I share your thoughts as I look forward to getting out of my disabled body as well and never feeling pain again. Its a wonderful thought and I feel so blessed of the assurance of it. I think I am thankful for the many answered prayers I have had. My dad had that 2 year freedom from liver cancer which baffled the doctors greatly. We were not baffled. Even though it has come back we have always known dad has a certain period of time here and only God knows those days. So, we hope for him to be with us a long time and are happy when we are allowed to be... knowing a day will come when we will say goodbye for a little while.
I am thankful for the fact I had a 10 year remission before this mess of a disease started again. This lets me know I am in for another remission.
I am thankful for my husband who cares for me and helps me with a lot of things. Also for my friends and how much they have brought smiles to my life.
I am thankful for pain free days, and freedom, my pets, family, my home and something as simple as food, my husband's job and water.
I love creation the beautiful flowers, landscapes and animals that I see each day in the warm sun of my backyard. Its the simple things in life that bring me to a place of great appreciation. I am also so very thankful for my good memories and the fact that I have met so many wonderful people all over the world that have touched my life in ways they will never know. Also miracles are an awesome thing to witness. Also so important but my Bible verses because, I read those and they give me great hope. They have gotten me through some seriously bad days when nothing else worked. Faith, what a gift we have been given.:)
In - home care is a blessing Bronytroy. I'm happy to hear that situation work out for you~
My spouse is currently providing that for his grandma.

I'm thankful for my family of 2 kids, love, roof over our heads, food we have because life can always be worse.
I'm thankful for my custom pony Artisan skills, and my customers that support them. I'm thankful for my circle of online pony friends, unfortunately my friends these days are mostly online as I'm very withdrawn and socially distant irl

But online friends with common interests are amazing beyond belief.
I am thankful for my two beautiful babies, my wonderful hubby, the ability to be a Stay at Homeschooling Mom, God's grace and blessings and happiness. I never want to forget how blessed I am or where those blessings come from <3
I have an addition, I am thankful for the MLPTP. Back when I first found out you could buy old toys online the TP was the first collecting community I belonged to. Back then I was an overzealous and naive teenager and I got my ears boxed on more than one occasion, but I stayed around. Over the years I have not posted a lot, but I have always come and lurked. The names have changed of the frequent posters, but I am glad the site remains so that I can share my pony love with my kids. Grateful to the people who work hard to keep her doors open. Kudos to you! Thanks for all that you do!
Yea I wasn't a member that far back. In fact I can't even remember what I was up to in 2005. I know I was teaching the kiddos. Home school is wonderful. I am all for it. If I had children they would have been home schooled also and if there was a subject I was not as good at, I probably would have reached out to the massive HS community we have here in town where families help other families with things like calculus and the like. They get together in large groups and go on field trips. Its just fantastic and its a much better environment for many kids. Not all, but a lot.
I think I first found the TP around 1997 or 1998 :) I was in college at the time because I graduated from HS in 1996 at 17 years old :) Now I am dating myself! LOL.

Yeah we knew we wanted to homeschool before we got married. It was one of the things we talked about so we knew we both had the same dreams and expectations. He wanted me to be a SAHM and so did I.
That's wonderful @Icey. If I had been able to have kids I would have stayed home also. My mother worked part time and was always home with me after school. Then when she got remarried she was at home full time the rest of her life. She had a terrible car accident that has disabled her to a certain extent and, she would like to work now and because of that she can't.
Awww, sorry to hear that (about the accident). Yeah there was a time we were not sure if we were going to be able to do it financially because my hubby was working for a company for years that did not pay their people well. Then one day another company asked him to come in for an interview. He did not even have a resume out there, the company was just told about him. He went in and got the job and a significant pay raise and we knew we would be OK :) Our diet takes a lot of our capital, but I would not have it any other way. Hopefully some day soon we can grow a lot of our own veggies and that will help with the cost. Eating an organic, whole food diet is expensive for sure!
Yes I know that is how I eat. Its killer in the pocket book but you are saving those kids chemically induced allergies, immune system failures and diseases.
I was home schooled from 10th grade to 12th. I attended public school until I got pnemonia in 89, after Christmas break, and almost died. During that I had to have a tracheotomy and needed more care. Teachers from my school came to our house and taught me for no pay after school hours. :) My grades went up and I graduated with honors in 93. I had the grades for college but didn't think I would benefit. My life expectancy was 18-25. Look at me now, 40! LOL I am thankful for that. *nods*

I, like LightningSilver-Light, am a bit socially withdrawn. I don't get out much or have any friends my age irl, so places like this are a Godsend. ;) Online friends are great! Eeeeyup.
I guess God had other plans for you since you have continued on in your life in spite of what science felt you had. My Godson is the same. He was born with cyctic fibrosis and nearly passed several times. He is in his late 20s. They did not expect him to finish high school. I am glad you are here. When disability keeps us from being out there like we would have, an online forum is the next best place to be. I will say that over the years, I have found some to be better than others and I love the tp because it has a home like feel and everyone is friendly.