$ Price Check $ 2008 MLP Fair Pink Providence Pony..1 of 1,000?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 9, 2013
Hi, I'm new here. Nice to meet all of you :) :smilepony:
I have a decent MLP collection. I have one in particular I can't find the info I need on. It is the 2008 Providence RI Fair Pony. This one here: MLP Fair 2008 US Pony - My Little Wiki
Well, it's MIB, and it has this sticker on it that says "1 of 1,000". I had assumed that meant it was the first one of 1,000 made? But then again I could be wrong, cause someone else posted one on Amazon claiming THEY had 1 of 1,000 ....but did not have proof. And then when I messaged them with a photo of mine, the listing was taken down from Amazon. Does it mean that? Do I have the very first made/sold of 1,000? (I got it on Ebay, but my ex grabbed it, so I can't find the old original listing or info). Or do some others somehow have the same sticker? And if mine is the 1st, what do you guys think it could be worth? And if it's not as special as I think it is, what is it worth any way lol.
Any help would be great :D
Thanks so much!
Not sure what their current value is, but I just had a look at mine and it also has a sticker with 1 of 1000. So they would of all been sold with that sticker and only 1000 of them were produced. That should clear up the confusion :winkpony:

ETA- Oh and I'm such a snob, welcome to the TP!
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that was my understanding is that only 1000 were produced that year
I bought several at the Fair that year, and I can say that every single one has the same "1 of. 1,000" sticker, not individually numbered. I sold my extras a few years ago, so I'm not really up to date on prices.