MLPTP EVENT ~*~ 4th Annual MLPTP Halloween Swap ~*~ ALL DONE!

Lookin good on those goodies! ^_~
Hallmark! Der, I should check by there on my way home tomorrow!
Lawl, thanks for the idea!
HOLY MOLY summer!!! That is a haul!!! Someone is going to make out like a bandit! :black_cat:
Originally Posted by Tikibirds
The ponies have arrived, i just need to get the extras :yay:

Good to hear that you were able to get into the mailbox XDD
I sent the SO into the office to get the key, so I wouldnt have to face the office manager :)

I cant find ANY type of halloween wrapping paper
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My package is sent! Should be on someone's doorstep either Monday or Tuesday! Keep your eyes peeled!

So-T- I improvised and used a halloween table cloth as you well know ;)
Like I said, I used bags I got at the dollar tree. You can also use tissue paper (plain white) or plain white or black wrapping paper and fancy it up with some orange ribbon. They have some nice halloween ribbons at WalMart for $0.97 you could use to tie it up. They are located in the craft department.
Yeah I just used orange and purple tissue paper with black curling ribbon.
Just wrapped up all my stuff!


There's about 15 or 16 packages there, and I think I left one or two out of that picture by mistake. Whoops. :p

I apologize for both the wrapping paper (pink flowers in fall? Urgh) and my shoddy wrapping skills. I promise my partner will enjoy what's inside!

What a haul!
I can't wait to see your partners face, and what's inside!
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GOOD LORD! I need to take you with my shopping, you can certainly find the deals!
Wonderful teaser pictures!
Like I said, I used bags I got at the dollar tree. You can also use tissue paper (plain white) or plain white or black wrapping paper and fancy it up with some orange ribbon. They have some nice halloween ribbons at WalMart for $0.97 you could use to tie it up. They are located in the craft department.

Me and ribbons = BAD ideaa :p

I did find some tissue paper that has ghosts on it, but no like halloween gift bags to stuff everything in, although i did find alot of *GAsP* Christmas stuff up already:black_cat:00)
Waiting for 1 more item to arrive and then I will ship!
Teaser pics

dog not included:fishslap:



I decided to buy a black bag and put halloween stickers on it:clap:
You guys! These teaser pics are AWESOME!! I am really happy with how well you are doing! You guys are going above and beyond lol

Tiki, I love that Mr. Bubbles was "helping" wrap lol

Here is my teaser pic:

They had NO Halloween wrap, so I got those cute little felt baggies and some purple tissue. They had TONS of cute Halloween cards though, it was hard to chose!

I'll be shipping out tomorrow :) Please remember to keep your PO receipts and drop me a PM when you've actually sent your packages.
Oh geeze, everyone is doing a great job! I just finished one custom, and now I just have to rehair the other, then I can ship it off!!:yippie::yippie:

I hope my partner likes her ponies!! The eyes were a challange for me, and so were some of the other things..actually, everything was difficult. *sigh*
But, I love how they turned out!