A pony for Iris


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Jun 7, 2005
This pony has been a LONG time in the making and I again thank you Iris for your extraordinary patience with me as I worked on it.

Iris was the winner of a custom commission from me during the 2007 MLP Fair's MLPArena fundraiser auction (whew, that's a mouthfull....and gives you an idea of how long this custom took me to finish, lol). For her commission Iris asked me to make a corseted custom with wings (a first for me), bunny ears, a frilly garter belt and ballet shoes. She wanted everything in a pastel rainbow color scheme and gave me some very good drawings as an example of things that she would like and also gave me a lot of free run to interpret her ideas as I saw fit. She was really just a dream commissioner to be honest, lol. Anyway, enough babbling, this is Iris's winged-corseted-ballet-bunny commission, hehe!

(oh, and yes, she has upper eyelashes now, doh!)

That is amazing! that looks great and must ahve been alot of work!
What a beautiful pony! I love the rainbow coming out of the heart on the hoof. The rabbit and heart symbol looks to be super sweet. And the colors are great. Awesome job! :)
That sculpting is absolutely amazing! I love the rainbowy effect you put on the wings and lace too. It came out just wonderful. Very nice work. :)
I LOVE the rainbow colored wings. The pony can truly fly!:yourock:
Wow, she looks like she was worth the wait! She is beautiful!
You just get better and better at those sculpted feathers! They are so neat and smooth. And the shape is just perfect too. I love the paint job - the graduation is absolutely stunning.

Are you pleased with her? And do you ever just not want to part with them.. especially after that much work?
OMG Woosie! She is so lovely! You never cease to amaze me with your talent. Iris is really lucky!