A small request

Merry Treats

Oh spike, look at our poor darlings!
Jun 7, 2005
I can't seem to do this right, so here goes:

Can someone make me a Merry Treats avatar for my LiveJournal? It just has to be 100x100, doesn't have to be animated. Just a good shot of her, maybe from one of Marco's drawings? I don't know, I just can't get this stuff to resize right on this computer and it's ticking me off.

Any help is appreciated. :oops:
Oh, wow. Thanks Ad!!! I was dreading having to move all of the modem stuff to my other PC to try and crop this junk on my own.. I never knew there was a program like this!!
I didn't know it existed until my mom sent me a link to it yesterday. I'm glad I could help. :)
And if you want a free, even more flexible image program that's really easy to use, try out www.irfanview.com

I was fooling people I had paintshop for ages with this thing. It's less than a megabyte in size and is great for most picture related needs.
if you don't feel like doing the work yourself, here's a few i threw together: