A thread just for my rats, the Gardens Clan!


⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ Buddy of Rats
MLPTP Supporter
Aug 3, 2005
This thread is for showing off photos of my pet rats! I'm an established breeder (since 2017) but I don't breed very often. I was down to only three girls and they are all too old to breed, so I picked this baby girl up yesterday! If all goes well, she will become a mom this summer when she is all grown up.

Her name is Nellie! She is a Himalayan with standard ears, red eyes, and I think she may have some Rex in her because her coat feels a bit wiry and her whiskers are a little bit curly.

Things I know about Nellie so far:​
1. She is curious and outgoing.
2. She is VERY ticklish!
3. She hasn't quite learned how to manipulate food with her little paws yet.
4. She never had eggs before today and wasn't quite sure what to do with them!
5. She likes to sleep under a blanket.
6. I think she thinks Ziggy is her new mom, and I think Ziggy feels the same way. I'll try to get photos of them interacting!

Today's rat bio is Ziggy! She is the current matriarch of the Gardens Clan- she has children and grandchildren who live here, and if we are lucky she will become a great grandmother this summer!

This was a photo of her last month on her second birthday. She and her sister and brothers got a croissant to share for their birthday!

Last fall, Ziggy got to learn to drive a car that Ty built for an engineering project! The car is actually driven
by the rat, who steers by sticking her nose through one of three different windows with sensors on them.

Ziggy is the cleverest, kindest girl rat we have ever had. She loves to explore the apartment but always comes when called and never hides from us when it's time to go home. She was a very agreeable mother and let us handle her babies as much as we wanted to. She has been a kind cagemate to every new girl rat we have introduced her to, and is cuddling with Nellie right now. Here she is giving my hand a little bath.

She also goes by Ziggy Piggy, Pig, Peeg, Piggles, and Piggly Wiggly.

Also an update on Nellie: she is sleepy and wants to know why I just woke her up!
So cute :)

and just how do you know when a rat is ticklish?
Adorable! I love seeing your little ratties. I love Rex coats. My favorite boy I had when I was breeding was a Silverman Rex and he was the sweetest boy. Have you decided what male you'll pair her with? I'm curious to hear all about it.