Abir The Desert Rose (pic heavy)


Dec 3, 2009
Okay, so some explanation first. I am a huge nerd, and I play dungeons and dragons. Currently, we are running a desert campaign, and my DM is awesome and let me pretty much make up a character. It's based of a centaur, but since it's the desert she is a 'cameltaur', LOL! She is an amalgamation of a dollar store barbie and a bride pony, with apoxie sculpt. She's painted with the usual craft acrylics and rehaired with DH Satsuma, Butterscotch, and Passionfruit.





wow she looks so cool. the hair blend is just fab and very bright. and then the sculpting job on her, it looks so cool. her body doesn't seem long/big enough to me in proportion to the human parts, but pft who cares. she still looks really cool.

you make me wanna make a custom of my theif drow charater XD;;

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
oh she's pretty! I like the way the bride body looks with her, the cleft hooves look camel-esque!
;) Yay Drow! Yeah, I didn't have the pony body with me when I bought the barbie and actually had to modify her torso, neck and arms a bit to try and compensate but it's still a bit off. I'm still pretty happy with her, and she's not so top heavy that she'll fall over.
Glad you like her guys! Thanks!
That's cool! Nice idea..awesome..
Whoa, I've never seen a custom that's part Barbie. Good job, that must have taken a long time to make.
Very nice! I love the hair colors!
Wow! Amazing job and you did it so very well!
Aren't we all a bit *nerdy* for collecting MLP too? LOL or does that stay in the nutty department?
High Five! Love it ! Also I love D&D so I'm a big nerd to x3
Cool! She is so creative and unique! She looks awesome!